

Localization and multivariate polynomial rings #

In this file we show some results connecting multivariate polynomial rings and localization.

Main results #

instance MvPolynomial.isLocalization {σ : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} [CommRing R] (M : Submonoid R) (S : Type u_3) [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization M S] :

If S is the localization of R at a submonoid M, then MvPolynomial σ S is the localization of MvPolynomial σ R at MvPolynomial.C.

See also Polynomial.isLocalization for the univariate case.

theorem MvPolynomial.isLocalization_C_mk' {σ : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} [CommRing R] (M : Submonoid R) (S : Type u_3) [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization M S] (a : R) (m : M) :
C (' S a m) =' (MvPolynomial σ S) (C a) C m,

The canonical algebra isomorphism from MvPolynomial Unit R quotiented by C r * X () - 1 to the localization of R away from r.

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Instances For