The basics of valuation theory. #
The basic theory of valuations (non-archimedean norms) on a commutative ring, following T. Wedhorn's unpublished notes “Adic Spaces” ([wedhorn_adic]).
The definition of a valuation we use here is Definition 1.22 of [wedhorn_adic].
A valuation on a ring R
is a monoid homomorphism v
to a linearly ordered
commutative monoid with zero, that in addition satisfies the following two axioms:
v 0 = 0
∀ x y, v (x + y) ≤ max (v x) (v y)
Valuation R Γ₀
is the type of valuations R → Γ₀
, with a coercion to the underlying
function. If v
is a valuation from R
to Γ₀
then the induced group
homomorphism Units(R) → Γ₀
is called unit_map v
The equivalence "relation" IsEquiv v₁ v₂ : Prop
defined in 1.27 of [wedhorn_adic] is not strictly
speaking a relation, because v₁ : Valuation R Γ₁
and v₂ : Valuation R Γ₂
not have the same type. This corresponds in ZFC to the set-theoretic difficulty
that the class of all valuations (as Γ₀
varies) on a ring R
is not a set.
The "relation" is however reflexive, symmetric and transitive in the obvious
sense. Note that we use 1.27(iii) of [wedhorn_adic] as the definition of equivalence.
Main definitions #
Valuation R Γ₀
, the type of valuations onR
with values inΓ₀
, the heterogeneous equivalence relation on valuationsValuation.supp
, the support of a valuationAddValuation R Γ₀
, the type of additive valuations onR
with values in a linearly ordered additive commutative group with a top element,Γ₀
Implementation Details #
AddValuation R Γ₀
is implemented as Valuation R (Multiplicative Γ₀)ᵒᵈ
Notation #
In the DiscreteValuation
is a shorthand forWithZero (Multiplicative ℕ)
is a shorthand forWithZero (Multiplicative ℤ)
If ever someone extends Valuation
, we should fully comply to the DFunLike
by migrating the
boilerplate lemmas to ValuationClass
The type of Γ₀
-valued valuations on R
When you extend this structure, make sure to extend ValuationClass
- toFun : R → Γ₀
- map_mul' (x y : R) : (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun (x * y) = (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun x * (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun y
- map_add_le_max' (x y : R) : (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun (x + y) ≤ (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun x ⊔ (↑self.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun y
The valuation of a a sum is less that the sum of the valuations
Instances For
ValuationClass F α β
states that F
is a type of valuations.
You should also extend this typeclass when you extend Valuation
The valuation of a a sum is less that the sum of the valuations
- instCoeTCValuationOfValuationClass F R Γ₀ = { coe := fun (f : F) => { toFun := ⇑f, map_zero' := ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add_le_max' := ⋯ } }
- Valuation.instFunLike = { coe := fun (f : Valuation R Γ₀) => (↑f.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
A valuation gives a preorder on the underlying ring.
- v.toPreorder = Preorder.lift ⇑v
Instances For
If v
is a valuation on a division ring then v(x) = 0
iff x = 0
A ring homomorphism S → R
induces a map Valuation R Γ₀ → Valuation S Γ₀
- Valuation.comap f v = { toFun := ⇑v ∘ ⇑f, map_zero' := ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add_le_max' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A ≤
-preserving group homomorphism Γ₀ → Γ'₀
induces a map Valuation R Γ₀ → Valuation R Γ'₀
- f hf v = { toFun := ⇑f ∘ ⇑v, map_zero' := ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add_le_max' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Two valuations on R
are defined to be equivalent if they induce the same preorder on R
Instances For
An ordered monoid isomorphism Γ₀ ≃ Γ'₀
induces an equivalence
Valuation R Γ₀ ≃ Valuation R Γ'₀
- Valuation.congr f = { toFun := ↑f ⋯, invFun := ↑f.symm ⋯, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
This theorem is a weaker version of Valuation.val_le_one_or_val_inv_lt_one
, but more symmetric
in x
and x⁻¹
The subgroup of elements whose valuation is less than a certain unit.
Instances For
preserves equivalence.
Alias of the forward direction of Valuation.isEquiv_iff_val_lt_val
Alias of the forward direction of Valuation.isEquiv_iff_val_le_one
Alias of the forward direction of Valuation.isEquiv_iff_val_eq_one
Alias of the forward direction of Valuation.isEquiv_iff_val_lt_one
Alias of the forward direction of Valuation.isEquiv_iff_val_sub_one_lt_one
The support of a valuation v : R → Γ₀
is the ideal of R
where v
Instances For
The support of a valuation is a prime ideal.
The type of Γ₀
-valued additive valuations on R
- AddValuation R Γ₀ = Valuation R (Multiplicative Γ₀ᵒᵈ)
Instances For
A valuation is coerced to the underlying function R → Γ₀
- AddValuation.instFunLike R Γ₀ = { coe := fun (v : AddValuation R Γ₀) => (↑v.toMonoidWithZeroHom).toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
An alternate constructor of AddValuation
, that doesn't reference Multiplicative Γ₀ᵒᵈ
- AddValuation.of f h0 h1 hadd hmul = { toFun := f, map_zero' := h0, map_one' := h1, map_mul' := hmul, map_add_le_max' := hadd }
Instances For
The Valuation
associated to an AddValuation
(useful if the latter is constructed using
Instances For
Alias of AddValuation.toValuation
The Valuation
associated to an AddValuation
(useful if the latter is constructed using
Instances For
The AddValuation
associated to a Valuation
Instances For
Alias of AddValuation.toValuation_apply
A helper function for Lean to inferring types correctly
Instances For
A valuation gives a preorder on the underlying ring.
- v.toPreorder = Preorder.lift ⇑v
Instances For
If v
is an additive valuation on a division ring then v(x) = ⊤
iff x = 0
A ring homomorphism S → R
induces a map AddValuation R Γ₀ → AddValuation S Γ₀
- AddValuation.comap f v = Valuation.comap f v
Instances For
A ≤
-preserving, ⊤
-preserving group homomorphism Γ₀ → Γ'₀
induces a map
AddValuation R Γ₀ → AddValuation R Γ'₀
- f ht hf v = { toFun := ⇑f, map_zero' := ht, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ } ⋯ v
Instances For
Two additive valuations on R
are defined to be equivalent if they induce the same
preorder on R
- v₁.IsEquiv v₂ = Valuation.IsEquiv v₁ v₂
Instances For
preserves equivalence.
The support of an additive valuation v : R → Γ₀
is the ideal of R
where v x = ⊤
- v.supp = Valuation.supp v
Instances For
The AddValuation
associated to a Valuation
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The Valuation
associated to a AddValuation
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.