

Construction of model data #

In this file, we construct model data at type α, given that it is defined at all types below α.

Main declarations #

structure ConNF.NewPerm [Params] [Level] [LtData] :
Instances For
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.ext {inst✝ : Params} {inst✝¹ : Level} {inst✝² : LtData} {x y : NewPerm} (sderiv : x.sderiv = y.sderiv) :
    x = y
    theorem ConNF.mul_sderiv [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ₁ ρ₂ : NewPerm) (β : TypeIndex) [LtLevel β] :
    (ρ₁ * ρ₂).sderiv β = ρ₁.sderiv β * ρ₂.sderiv β
    theorem ConNF.inv_sderiv [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (β : TypeIndex) [LtLevel β] :
    ρ⁻¹.sderiv β = (ρ.sderiv β)⁻¹
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.smul_mk [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (β : TypeIndex) [LtLevel β] (s : Set (TSet β)) (hs : s.Nonempty) :
    ρ β s hs = β (ρ.sderiv β s)
    theorem ConNF.Cloud.smul [Params] [Level] [LtData] {c d : Code} (h : Cloud c d) (ρ : NewPerm) :
    Cloud (ρ c) (ρ d)
    theorem ConNF.Code.smul_even [Params] [Level] [LtData] {c : Code} (ρ : NewPerm) :
    (ρ c).Even c.Even
    theorem ConNF.Represents.smul [Params] [Level] [LtData] {c d : Code} (h : Represents c d) (ρ : NewPerm) :
    Represents (ρ c) (ρ d)
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.smul_members [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (c : Code) (β : TypeIndex) [LtLevel β] :
    (ρ c).members β = ρ.sderiv β c.members β
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.forget_def [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (A : α ) :
    ρ A = Path.recScoderiv (motive := fun (β : TypeIndex) (x : β ) => β β αBasePerm) (fun (h : ) => .elim) (fun ( γ : TypeIndex) (B : γ ) (hγβ : γ < ) (x : (fun (β : TypeIndex) (x : β ) => β β αBasePerm) γ B) (x : ) (hβα : α) => (ρ.sderiv γ) B) A
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.forget_sderiv [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (β : TypeIndex) [LtLevel β] :
    ρ = (ρ.sderiv β)
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.smul_fuzz [Params] [Level] [LtData] {β : TypeIndex} {γ : Λ} [LtLevel β] [LtLevel γ] (ρ : NewPerm) (hβγ : β γ) (t : Tangle β) :
    ρ ↘. fuzz hβγ t = fuzz hβγ (ρ.sderiv β t)
    theorem ConNF.NewPerm.forget_mul [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ₁ ρ₂ : NewPerm) :
    (ρ₁ * ρ₂) = ρ₁ * ρ₂
    structure ConNF.NewSet [Params] [Level] [LtData] :
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.NewSet.ext {inst✝ : Params} {inst✝¹ : Level} {inst✝² : LtData} {x y : NewSet} (c : x.c = y.c) :
      x = y
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem ConNF.NewSet.forget_def [Params] [Level] [LtData] (x : NewSet) :
      x = StrSet.coeEquiv.symm fun (β : TypeIndex) ( : β < α) => (fun (x : TSet β) => x) '' x.c.members β
      theorem ConNF.NewSet.typedMem_forget [Params] [Level] [LtData] (x : NewSet) (β : TypeIndex) ( : β < α) (y : StrSet β) :
      y ∈[] x y (fun (x : TSet β) => x) '' x.c.members β
      theorem ConNF.NewSet.mem_members [Params] [Level] [LtData] (x : NewSet) (β : TypeIndex) [ : LtLevel β] (y : TSet β) :
      y x.c.members β y ∈[] x
      theorem ConNF.NewSet.smul_c [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : NewPerm) (x : NewSet) :
      (ρ x).c = ρ x.c
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.newPreModelData.tSetForget_none' [Params] [Level] [LtData] :
        (let_fun this := none; this) = StrSet.coeEquiv.symm fun (x : TypeIndex) (x_1 : x < α) =>
        theorem ConNF.newPreModelData.tSetForget_some' [Params] [Level] [LtData] (x : NewSet) :
        (let_fun this := some x; this) = x
        theorem ConNF.NewPerm.forget_injective [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ₁ ρ₂ : NewPerm) (h : ρ₁ = ρ₂) :
        ρ₁ = ρ₂
        theorem ConNF.NewSet.exists_support [Params] [Level] [LtData] (x : TSet α) :
        ∃ (S : Support α), S.Supports x
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.Code.hasSet [Params] [Level] [LtData] (c : Code) (hc : ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ c = c) :
          ∃ (x : NewSet), Represents x.c c
          def ConNF.Code.toSet [Params] [Level] [LtData] (c : Code) (hc : ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ c = c) :
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.Code.toSet_spec [Params] [Level] [LtData] (c : Code) (hc : ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ c = c) :
            Represents (c.toSet hc).c c
            theorem ConNF.Code.mem_toSet' [Params] [Level] [LtData] (c : Code) {hc : ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ c = c} (y : TSet c.β) :
            y ∈[] (c.toSet hc) y c.s
            theorem ConNF.Code.mem_toSet [Params] [Level] [LtData] {β : TypeIndex} [LtLevel β] {s : Set (TSet β)} {hs : s.Nonempty} {hc : ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ mk β s hs = mk β s hs} (y : TSet β) :
            y ∈[] ((mk β s hs).toSet hc) y s
            theorem ConNF.newTyped_aux [Params] [Level] [LtData] {N : NearLitter} :
            ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ N.code = N.code
            Instances For
              def ConNF.newSingletonCode [Params] [Level] [LtData] {γ : Λ} [LtLevel γ] (x : TSet γ) :
              Instances For
                theorem ConNF.newSingleton_aux [Params] [Level] [LtData] {γ : Λ} [LtLevel γ] {x : TSet γ} :
                ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : NewPerm), ρ S = Sρ newSingletonCode x = newSingletonCode x
                def ConNF.newSingleton [Params] [Level] [LtData] {γ : Λ} [LtLevel γ] (x : TSet γ) :
                Instances For
                  theorem ConNF.mem_none_iff [Params] [Level] [LtData] {β : TypeIndex} [LtLevel β] (y : TSet β) :
                  (y ∈[] let_fun this := none; this) y ∈[] StrSet.coeEquiv.symm fun (x : TypeIndex) (x_1 : x < α) =>
                  theorem ConNF.mem_some_iff [Params] [Level] [LtData] {β : TypeIndex} [LtLevel β] (y : TSet β) (x : NewSet) :
                  (y ∈[] let_fun this := some x; this) y ∈[] x
                  theorem ConNF.mem_newSingleton_iff [Params] [Level] [LtData] {γ : Λ} [LtLevel γ] (x y : TSet γ) :
                  (y ∈[] let_fun this := some (newSingleton x); this) y = x
                  theorem ConNF.not_mem_none [Params] [Level] [LtData] {β : TypeIndex} [LtLevel β] (z : TSet β) :
                  ¬z ∈[] let_fun this := none; this
                  theorem ConNF.newModelData_ext [Params] [Level] [LtData] (β : Λ) [LtLevel β] (x y : TSet α) (h : ∀ (z : TSet β), z ∈[] x z ∈[] y) :
                  x = y
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    Instances For
                      theorem ConNF.pos_atom_lt_newPosition [Params] [Level] [LtData] (h : (Tangle α) μ) (t : Tangle α) (a : Atom) (A : α ) (ha : a ( ⇘. A)) :
                      pos a < pos t
                      theorem ConNF.smul_newTyped' [Params] [Level] [LtData] (ρ : AllPerm α) (N : NearLitter) :
                      (ρ let_fun this := some (newTyped N); this) = some (newTyped (ρ ↘. N))
                      Instances For