

Freedom of action for structural permutations #

In this file, we state and prove the freedom of action theorem for structural permutations.

Main declarations #

Instances For
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.Approximates.mono [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ χ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} ( : χ.Approximates ρ) (h : ψ χ) :
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.smul_atom_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {a : Atom} (ha : a (ψ A).dom) :
      ρ A a (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.smul_nearLitter_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {N : NearLitter} (hN : N (ψ A).dom) :
      ρ A N (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.inv_smul_atom_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {a : Atom} (ha : a (ψ A).dom) :
      (ρ A)⁻¹ a (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.inv_smul_nearLitter_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {N : NearLitter} (hN : N (ψ A).dom) :
      (ρ A)⁻¹ N (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.zsmul_atom_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {a : Atom} (ha : a (ψ A).dom) (n : ) :
      ρ A ^ n a (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.zsmul_nearLitter_mem_dom_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {N : NearLitter} (hN : N (ψ A).dom) (n : ) :
      ρ A ^ n N (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.zsmul_atom_mem_dom_iff_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {a : Atom} (n : ) :
      ρ A ^ n a (ψ A).dom a (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.zsmul_nearLitter_mem_dom_iff_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {A : β } {N : NearLitter} (n : ) :
      ρ A ^ n N (ψ A).dom N (ψ A).dom
      theorem ConNF.StrApprox.smul_support_eq_smul_of_approximates [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) {S : Support β} (hSA : ∀ (A : β ), a ∈ (S ⇘. A), a (ψ A).dom) (hSN : ∀ (A : β ), N ∈ (S ⇘. A), N (ψ A).dom) :
      ψ S = ρ S
      def ConNF.StrApprox.addFlexible [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (ψ : StrApprox β) (A : β ) (L : Litter) (hLψ : L(ψ A).dom) :

      Add a flexible litter to this approximation.

      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.StrApprox.addFlexible_coherent [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {A : β } {L : Litter} {hLψ : L(ψ A).dom} ( : ψ.Coherent) (hL : ¬Inflexible A L) :
        (ψ.addFlexible A L hLψ).Coherent
        theorem ConNF.StrApprox.addInflexible_aux [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ : AllPerm P.δ) (m n k : ) :
        fuzz (ρ ^ m t) = fuzz (ρ ^ n t)fuzz (ρ ^ (m + k) t) = fuzz (ρ ^ (n + k) t)
        def ConNF.StrApprox.addInflexible' [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) {A : β } (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ : AllPerm P.δ) (hL : ∀ (n : ), fuzz (ρ ^ n t)(ψ A).dom) :
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.StrApprox.smul_support_zpow [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {ρ : AllPerm β} (h : ψ.Approximates ρ) (t : Tangle β) {n : } (hLA : ∀ (B : β ), a ∈ ( ⇘. B), a (ψ B).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : β ), N ∈ ( ⇘. B), N (ψ B).dom) :
          ψ (ρ ^ n t).support = ρ (ρ ^ n t).support
          theorem ConNF.StrApprox.addInflexible'_coherent [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {A : β } {P : InflexiblePath β} {t : Tangle P.δ} (hA : A = P.A ↘.) {ρ : AllPerm P.δ} ( : Approximates (ψ P.A ) ρ) {hL : ∀ (n : ), fuzz (ρ ^ n t)(ψ A).dom} ( : ψ.Coherent) (hLA : ∀ (B : P.δ ), a ∈ ( ⇘. B), a (ψ (P.A B)).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : P.δ ), N ∈ ( ⇘. B), N (ψ (P.A B)).dom) :
          (ψ.addInflexible' P t ρ hL).Coherent
          theorem ConNF.StrApprox.mem_dom_of_inflexible [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {A : β } {L : Litter} {P : InflexiblePath β} {t : Tangle P.δ} (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (ht : L = fuzz t) {ρ : AllPerm P.δ} ( : Approximates (ψ P.A ) ρ) {n : } (hL : fuzz (ρ ^ n t) (ψ A).dom) ( : ψ.Coherent) (hLA : ∀ (B : P.δ ), a ∈ ( ⇘. B), a (ψ (P.A B)).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : P.δ ), N ∈ ( ⇘. B), N (ψ (P.A B)).dom) :
          L (ψ A).dom
          def ConNF.StrApprox.addInflexible [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) (A : β ) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ : AllPerm P.δ) :
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.le_addInflexible [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) (A : β ) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ : AllPerm P.δ) :
            ψ ψ.addInflexible A P t ρ
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.addInflexible_coherent [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {A : β } {P : InflexiblePath β} {t : Tangle P.δ} (hA : A = P.A ↘.) {ρ : AllPerm P.δ} ( : Approximates (ψ P.A ) ρ) ( : ψ.Coherent) (hLA : ∀ (B : P.δ ), a ∈ ( ⇘. B), a (ψ (P.A B)).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : P.δ ), N ∈ ( ⇘. B), N (ψ (P.A B)).dom) :
            (ψ.addInflexible A P t ρ).Coherent
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.mem_addInflexible_dom [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] {ψ : StrApprox β} {A : β } {L : Litter} {P : InflexiblePath β} {t : Tangle P.δ} (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (hL : L = fuzz t) {ρ : AllPerm P.δ} ( : Approximates (ψ P.A ) ρ) ( : ψ.Coherent) (hLA : ∀ (B : P.δ ), a ∈ ( ⇘. B), a (ψ (P.A B)).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : P.δ ), N ∈ ( ⇘. B), N (ψ (P.A B)).dom) :
            L (ψ.addInflexible A P t ρ A).dom
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.exists_extension_of_minimal [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) (A : β ) (L : Litter) ( : ψ.Coherent) (foa : δ < β, ∀ [inst : LeLevel δ], FreedomOfAction δ) (hLA : ∀ (B : β ) (a : Atom), pos a < pos La (ψ B).dom) (hLN : ∀ (B : β ) (N : NearLitter), pos N < pos LN (ψ B).dom) :
            χψ, χ.Coherent L (χ A).dom
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.exists_extension_of_minimal' [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) (A : β ) (L : Litter) (hL : L(ψ A).dom) ( : ψ.Coherent) (foa : δ < β, ∀ [inst : LeLevel δ], FreedomOfAction δ) (hL' : ∀ (B : β ) (L' : Litter), pos L' < pos LL' (ψ B).dom) :
            χ > ψ, χ.Coherent
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.exists_total [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) ( : ψ.Coherent) (foa : δ < β, ∀ [inst : LeLevel δ], FreedomOfAction δ) :
            χψ, χ.Coherent χ.Total
            theorem ConNF.StrApprox.exists_exactlyApproximates_of_total [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (ψ : StrApprox β) (hψ₁ : ψ.Coherent) (hψ₂ : ψ.Total) :
            ∃ (ρ : AllPerm β), ψ.ExactlyApproximates ρ