

Action on specifications #

In this file, we prove that the specification of a support is invariant under the action of allowable permutations.

Main declarations #

theorem ConNF.Support.convAtoms_smul_iff_left [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β ) (a₁ a₂ : Atom) :
convAtoms S (ρ S) A a₁ a₂ a₁ (S ⇘. A) a₂ = ρ A a₁
theorem ConNF.Support.convNearLitters_smul_iff_left [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β ) (N₁ N₂ : NearLitter) :
convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂ N₁ (S ⇘. A) N₂ = ρ A N₁
theorem ConNF.Support.inflexible_of_inflexible_smul [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) {A : β } {N₁ N₂ : NearLitter} (h : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (hN₁ : N₁ = fuzz t) :
∃ (ρ' : AllPerm P.δ), N₂ = fuzz (ρ' t)
theorem ConNF.Support.litter_eq_of_flexible_smul [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) {A : β } {N₁ N₂ N₃ N₄ : NearLitter} (h₁₂ : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂) (h₃₄ : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₃ N₄) (h₁₃ : N₁ = N₃) :
N₂ = N₄
theorem ConNF.Support.convNearLitters_fuzz [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β ) (N₁ N₂ : NearLitter) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ' : AllPerm P.δ) (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (hN₁ : N₁ = fuzz t) (hN₂ : N₂ = fuzz (ρ' t)) (hN : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂) :
ρ' t = ρ P.A t
theorem ConNF.Support.atoms_of_inflexible_smul [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β ) (N₁ N₂ : NearLitter) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ' : AllPerm P.δ) (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (hN₁ : N₁ = fuzz t) (hN₂ : N₂ = fuzz (ρ' t)) (hN : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂) (B : P.δ ) (a : Atom) (ha : a ( ⇘. B)) (i : κ) (hiS : (S ⇘. (P.A B)).rel i a) :
((ρ S) ⇘. (P.A B)).rel i (ρ' B a)
theorem ConNF.Support.nearLitters_of_inflexible_smul [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β ) (N₁ N₂ : NearLitter) (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (ρ' : AllPerm P.δ) (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (hN₁ : N₁ = fuzz t) (hN₂ : N₂ = fuzz (ρ' t)) (hN : convNearLitters S (ρ S) A N₁ N₂) (B : P.δ ) (N : NearLitter) (ha : N ( ⇘. B)) (i : κ) (hiS : (S ⇘. (P.A B)).rel i N) :
((ρ S) ⇘. (P.A B)).rel i (ρ' B N)
theorem ConNF.Support.smul_spec [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : TypeIndex} [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
(ρ S).spec = S.spec