Proper morphisms #
A morphism of schemes is proper if it is separated, universally closed and (locally) of finite type. Note that we don't require quasi-compact, since this is implied by universally closed.
{X Y : Scheme}
(f : X ⟶ Y)
extends AlgebraicGeometry.IsSeparated f, AlgebraicGeometry.UniversallyClosed f, AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyOfFiniteType f :
A morphism is proper if it is separated, universally closed and locally of finite type.
- out : (topologically @IsClosedMap).universally f
- finiteType_of_affine_subset (U : ↑Y.affineOpens) (V : ↑X.affineOpens) (e : ↑V ≤ ( f.base).obj ↑U) : (CommRingCat.Hom.hom (Scheme.Hom.appLE f (↑U) (↑V) e)).FiniteType