

Separated morphisms #

A morphism of schemes is separated if its diagonal morphism is a closed immmersion.

Main definitions #

A morphism is separated if the diagonal map is a closed immersion.

    @[instance 900]

    Monomorphisms are separated.

    • =

    Given f : X ⟶ Y and g : Y ⟶ Z such that g is separated, the induced map X ⟶ X ×[Z] Y is a closed immersion.

    • =

    Suppose X is a reduced scheme and that f g : X ⟶ Y agree over some separated Y ⟶ Z. Then f = g if ι ≫ f = ι ≫ g for some dominant ι.

    A scheme X is separated if it is separated over ⊤_ Scheme.

      @[instance 900]
      • =

      Suppose f g : X ⟶ Y where X is a reduced scheme and Y is a separated scheme. Then f = g if ι ≫ f = ι ≫ g for some dominant ι.

      Also see ext_of_isDominant_of_isSeparated for the general version over arbitrary bases.