

The localized category has finite products

In this file, it is shown that if L : C ⥤ D is a localization functor for W : MorphismProperty C and that W is stable under finite products, then D has finite products, and L preserves finite products.

theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.HasProductsOfShapeAux.inverts {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} D] (L : CategoryTheory.Functor C D) {W : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty C} [L.IsLocalization W] {J : Type} [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasProductsOfShape J C] (hW : W.IsStableUnderProductsOfShape J) :
(W.functorCategory (CategoryTheory.Discrete J)).IsInvertedBy (CategoryTheory.Limits.lim.comp L)
@[reducible, inline]

The (candidate) limit functor for the localized category. It is induced by lim ⋙ L : (Discrete J ⥤ C) ⥤ D.

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Instances For

    The functor limitFunctor L hW is induced by lim ⋙ L.

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    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      The adjunction between the constant functor D ⥤ (Discrete J ⥤ D) and limitFunctor L hW.

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      Instances For

        Auxiliary definition for Localization.preservesProductsOfShape.

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        Instances For

          When C has finite products indexed by J, W : MorphismProperty C contains identities and is stable by products indexed by J, then any localization functor for W preserves finite products indexed by J.

          When C has finite products and W : MorphismProperty C contains identities and is stable by finite products, then any localization functor for W preserves finite products.