Infinite product of probability measures #
This file provides a definition for the product measure of an arbitrary family of probability
measures. Given μ : (i : ι) → Measure (X i)
such that each μ i
is a probability measure,
Measure.infinitePi μ
is the only probability measure ν
over Π i, X i
such that
ν (Set.pi s t) = ∏ i ∈ s, μ i (t i)
, with s : Finset ι
such that ∀ i ∈ s, MeasurableSet (t i)
(see eq_infinitePi
and infinitePi_pi
We also provide a few results regarding integration against this measure.
Main definition #
Measure.infinitePi μ
: The product measure of the family of probability measuresμ
Main statements #
: Any measure which gives to a finite product of sets the mass which is the product of their measures is the product measure.infinitePi_pi
: the product measure gives to finite products of sets a mass which is the product of their masses.infinitePi_cylinder
:infinitePi μ (cylinder s S) = Measure.pi (fun i : s ↦ μ i) S
Implementation notes #
To construct the product measure we first use the kernel traj
obtained via the Ionescu-Tulcea
theorem to construct the measure over a product indexed by ℕ
, which is infinitePiNat
. This
is an implementation detail and should not be used directly. Then we construct the product measure
over an arbitrary type by extending piContent μ
thanks to Carathéodory's theorem. The key lemma
to do so is piContent_tendsto_zero
, which states that piContent μ (A n)
tends to zero if
is a non increasing sequence of sets satisfying ⋂ n, A n = ∅
We prove this lemma by reducing to the case of an at most countable product,
in which case piContent μ
is known to be a true measure (see piContent_eq_measure_pi
Tags #
infinite product measure
Consider a family of probability measures. You can take their products for any finite subfamily. This gives a projective family of measures.
Consider a family of probability measures. You can take their products for any finite subfamily. This gives an additive content on the measurable cylinders.
Instances For
Product of measures indexed by ℕ
Infinite product measure indexed by ℕ
. This is an auxiliary construction, you should use
the generic product measure Measure.infinitePi
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Let μ : (i : Ioc a c) → Measure (X i)
be a family of measures. Up to an equivalence,
(⨂ i : Ioc a b, μ i) ⊗ (⨂ i : Ioc b c, μ i) = ⨂ i : Ioc a c, μ i
, where ⊗
denotes the
product of measures.
Let μ : (i : Iic b) → Measure (X i)
be a family of measures. Up to an equivalence,
(⨂ i : Iic a, μ i) ⊗ (⨂ i : Ioc a b, μ i) = ⨂ i : Iic b, μ i
, where ⊗
denotes the
product of measures.
Let μ (i + 1) : Measure (X (i + 1))
be a measure. Up to an equivalence,
μ i = ⨂ j : Ioc i (i + 1), μ i
, where ⊗
denotes the product of measures.
partialTraj κ a b
is a kernel which up to an equivalence is equal to ×ₖ (κ a ⊗ₖ ... ⊗ₖ κ (b - 1))
. This lemma therefore states that if the kernels κ
are constant then their composition-product is the product measure.
partialTraj κ a b
is a kernel which up to an equivalence is equal to ×ₖ (κ a ⊗ₖ ... ⊗ₖ κ (b - 1))
. This lemma therefore states that if the kernel κ i
is constant equal to μ i
for all i
, then up to an equivalence
partialTraj κ a b = ×ₖ Kernel.const (⨂ μ i)
Restricting the product measure to a product indexed by a finset yields the usual product measure.
Product of infinitely many probability measures #
If we push the product measure forward by a reindexing equivalence, we get a product measure
on the reindexed product in the sense that it coincides with piContent μ
measurable cylinders. See infinitePi_map_piCongrLeft
for a general version.
This is the key theorem to build the product of an arbitrary family of probability measures:
the piContent
of a decreasing sequence of cylinders with empty intersection converges to 0
This implies the σ
-additivity of piContent
(see addContent_iUnion_eq_sum_of_tendsto_zero
which allows to extend it to the σ
-algebra by Carathéodory's theorem.
The projectiveFamilyContent
associated to a family of probability measures is
The product measure of an arbitrary family of probability measures. It is defined as the unique extension of the function which gives to cylinders the measure given by the associated product measure.
Instances For
The product measure is the projective limit of the partial product measures. This ensures uniqueness and expresses the value of the product measure applied to cylinders.
Restricting the product measure to a product indexed by a finset yields the usual product measure.
To prove that a measure is equal to the product measure it is enough to check that it it gives the same measure to measurable boxes.
If we push the product measure forward by a reindexing equivalence, we get a product measure on the reindexed product.