

Standard smooth algebras #

In this file we define standard smooth algebras. For this we introduce the notion of a PreSubmersivePresentation. This is a presentation P that has fewer relations than generators. More precisely there exists an injective map from P.rels to P.vars. To such a presentation we may associate a jacobian. P is then a submersive presentation, if its jacobian is invertible.

Finally, a standard smooth algebra is an algebra that admits a submersive presentation.

While every standard smooth algebra is smooth, the converse does not hold. But if S is R-smooth, then S is R-standard smooth locally on S, i.e. there exists a set { t } of S that generates the unit ideal, such that Sₜ is R-standard smooth for every t (TODO, see below).

Main definitions #

All of these are in the Algebra namespace. Let S be an R-algebra.

For a presubmersive presentation P of S over R we make the following definitions:

Furthermore, for algebras we define:

Finally, for ring homomorphisms we define:


Implementation details #

Standard smooth algebras and ring homomorphisms feature 4 universe levels: The universe levels of the rings involved and the universe levels of the types of the variables and relations.

Notes #

This contribution was created as part of the AIM workshop "Formalizing algebraic geometry" in June 2024.

structure Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation (R : Type u) (S : Type v) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] extends Algebra.Presentation R S :
Type (max (max (max (t + 1) u) v) (w + 1))

A PreSubmersivePresentation of an R-algebra S is a Presentation with finitely-many relations equipped with an injective map : relations → vars.

This map determines how the differential of P is constructed. See PreSubmersivePresentation.differential for details.

Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]
    noncomputable abbrev Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.basis {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) :
    Basis P.rels P.Ring (P.relsP.Ring)

    The standard basis of P.rels → P.ring.

    Instances For
      noncomputable def Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.differential {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) :
      (P.relsP.Ring) →ₗ[P.Ring] P.relsP.Ring

      The differential of a P : PreSubmersivePresentation is a P.Ring-linear map on P.rels → P.Ring:

      The j-th standard basis vector, corresponding to the j-th relation of P, is mapped to the vector of partial derivatives of P.relation j with respect to the coordinates i for all i : P.rels.

      The determinant of this map is the jacobian of P used to define when a PreSubmersivePresentation is submersive. See PreSubmersivePresentation.jacobian.

      • P.differential = (P.basis.constr P.Ring) fun (j i : P.rels) => (MvPolynomial.pderiv ( i)) (P.relation j)
      Instances For

        The jacobian of a P : PreSubmersivePresentation is the determinant of P.differential viewed as element of S.

        • P.jacobian = (algebraMap P.Ring S) (LinearMap.det P.differential)
        Instances For
          noncomputable def Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.jacobiMatrix {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) [Fintype P.rels] [DecidableEq P.rels] :
          Matrix P.rels P.rels P.Ring

          If P.rels has a Fintype and DecidableEq instance, the differential of P can be expressed in matrix form.

          Instances For
            theorem Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.jacobian_eq_jacobiMatrix_det {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) [Fintype P.rels] [DecidableEq P.rels] :
            P.jacobian = (algebraMap P.Ring S) P.jacobiMatrix.det
            theorem Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.jacobiMatrix_apply {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) [Fintype P.rels] [DecidableEq P.rels] (i j : P.rels) :
            P.jacobiMatrix i j = (MvPolynomial.pderiv ( i)) (P.relation j)

            If algebraMap R S is bijective, the empty generators are a pre-submersive presentation with no relations.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              If S is the localization of R at r, this is the canonical submersive presentation of S as R-algebra.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                Given an R-algebra S and an S-algebra T with pre-submersive presentations, this is the canonical pre-submersive presentation of T as an R-algebra.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.comp_map {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] {T : Type u_1} [CommRing T] [Algebra R T] [Algebra S T] [IsScalarTower R S T] (Q : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation S T) (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) (a✝ : Q.rels P.rels) :
                  (Q.comp P).map a✝ = Sum.elim (fun (rq : Q.rels) => Sum.inl ( rq)) (fun (rp : P.rels) => Sum.inr ( rp)) a✝
                  theorem Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.dimension_comp_eq_dimension_add_dimension {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] {T : Type u_3} [CommRing T] [Algebra R T] [Algebra S T] [IsScalarTower R S T] (Q : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation S T) (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) [Q.IsFinite] [P.IsFinite] :
                  (Q.comp P).dimension = Q.dimension + P.dimension

                  The dimension of the composition of two finite submersive presentations is the sum of the dimensions.

                  Jacobian of composition #

                  Let S be an R-algebra and T be an S-algebra with presentations P and Q respectively. In this section we compute the jacobian of the composition of Q and P to be the product of the jacobians. For this we use a block decomposition of the jacobi matrix and show that the upper-right block vanishes, the upper-left block has determinant jacobian of Q and the lower-right block has determinant jacobian of P.

                  theorem Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation.comp_jacobian_eq_jacobian_smul_jacobian {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] {T : Type u_1} [CommRing T] [Algebra R T] [Algebra S T] [IsScalarTower R S T] (Q : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation S T) (P : Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S) :
                  (Q.comp P).jacobian = P.jacobian Q.jacobian

                  The jacobian of the composition of presentations is the product of the jacobians.

                  If P is a pre-submersive presentation of S over R and T is an R-algebra, we obtain a natural pre-submersive presentation of T ⊗[R] S over T.

                  Instances For
                    structure Algebra.SubmersivePresentation (R : Type u) (S : Type v) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] extends Algebra.PreSubmersivePresentation R S :
                    Type (max (max (max (t + 1) u) v) (w + 1))

                    A PreSubmersivePresentation is submersive if its jacobian is a unit in S and the presentation is finite.

                    Instances For

                      If algebraMap R S is bijective, the empty generators are a submersive presentation with no relations.

                      Instances For

                        The canonical submersive R-presentation of R with no generators and no relations.

                        Instances For

                          Given an R-algebra S and an S-algebra T with submersive presentations, this is the canonical submersive presentation of T as an R-algebra.

                          • Q.comp P = { toPreSubmersivePresentation := Q.comp P.toPreSubmersivePresentation, jacobian_isUnit := , isFinite := }
                          Instances For

                            If S is the localization of R at r, this is the canonical submersive presentation of S as R-algebra.

                            Instances For

                              If P is a submersive presentation of S over R and T is an R-algebra, we obtain a natural submersive presentation of T ⊗[R] S over T.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                class Algebra.IsStandardSmooth (R : Type u) (S : Type v) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] :

                                An R-algebra S is called standard smooth, if there exists a submersive presentation.


                                  The relative dimension of a standard smooth R-algebra S is the dimension of an arbitrarily chosen submersive R-presentation of S.

                                  Note: If S is non-trivial, this number is independent of the choice of the presentation as it is equal to the S-rank of Ω[S/R] (TODO).

                                  Instances For

                                    An R-algebra S is called standard smooth of relative dimension n, if there exists a submersive presentation of dimension n.
