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def ConNF.InternalWellOrder [Params] {α β γ δ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) (r : TSet α) :

A set in our model that is a well-order. Internal well-orders are exactly external well-orders, so we externalise the definition for convenience.

Instances For
    def ConNF.InternallyWellOrdered [Params] {α β γ δ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) (x : TSet γ) :
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.externalRel_smul [Params] {α β γ δ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) (r : TSet α) (ρ : AllPerm α) :
      ExternalRel (ρ r) = InvImage (ExternalRel r) fun (x : TSet δ) => (ρ )⁻¹ x
      theorem ConNF.apply_eq_of_isWellOrder {X : Type u_1} {r : Rel X X} {f : XX} (hr : IsWellOrder X r) (hf : Function.Bijective f) (hf' : ∀ (x y : X), r x y r (f x) (f y)) (x : X) :
      f x = x

      Well-orders are rigid.

      theorem ConNF.apply_eq_of_isWellOrder' {X : Type u_1} {r : Rel X X} {f : XX} (hr : IsWellOrder (↑r.field) (InvImage r Subtype.val)) (hf : Function.Bijective f) (hf' : ∀ (x y : X), r x y r (f x) (f y)) (x : X) :
      x r.fieldf x = x
      theorem ConNF.exists_common_support_of_internallyWellOrdered' [Params] {β γ δ ε : Λ} ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) ( : ε < δ) {x : TSet δ} (h : InternallyWellOrdered x) :
      ∃ (S : Support β), ∀ (y : TSet ε), y ∈[] xS.Supports {{{y}[]}[]}[]
      theorem ConNF.Support.Supports.ofSingleton [Params] {α β γ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) {S : Support α} {x : TSet β} (h : S.Supports {x}[]) :
      (S.strong ).Supports x
      theorem ConNF.supports_of_supports_singletons [Params] {α β γ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) {S : Support α} {s : Set (TSet β)} (h : xs, S.Supports {x}[]) :
      ∃ (S : Support β), xs, S.Supports x
      theorem ConNF.exists_common_support_of_internallyWellOrdered [Params] {β γ δ ε : Λ} ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) ( : ε < δ) {x : TSet δ} (h : InternallyWellOrdered x) :
      ∃ (S : Support δ), ∀ (y : TSet ε), y ∈[] xS.Supports {y}[]
      theorem ConNF.internallyWellOrdered_of_common_support_of_nontrivial [Params] {α β γ δ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) {x : TSet γ} (hx : {y : TSet δ | y ∈[] x}.Nontrivial) (S : Support δ) (hS : ∀ (y : TSet δ), y ∈[] xS.Supports y) :
      InternallyWellOrdered x
      theorem ConNF.internallyWellOrdered_of_common_support [Params] {α β γ δ : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) {x : TSet γ} (S : Support δ) (hS : ∀ (y : TSet δ), y ∈[] xS.Supports y) :
      InternallyWellOrdered x
      theorem ConNF.powerset_internallyWellOrdered [Params] {α β γ δ ε : Λ} ( : β < α) ( : γ < β) ( : δ < γ) ( : ε < δ) {x : TSet δ} (h : InternallyWellOrdered x) :
      InternallyWellOrdered (powerset x)