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@[defaultInstance 200]

A redefinition of the derivative of allowable permutations that is invariant of level, but still has nice definitional properties.

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theorem ConNF.allPerm_deriv_nil' [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (ρ : AllPerm β) :
ρ Path.nil = ρ
theorem ConNF.allPerm_deriv_sderiv' [Params] {β γ δ : TypeIndex} (ρ : AllPerm β) (A : β γ) (h : δ < γ) :
ρ (A h) = ρ A h
theorem ConNF.allPermSderiv_forget' [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} (h : γ < β) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
(ρ h) = ρ h
theorem ConNF.allPerm_inv_sderiv' [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} (h : γ < β) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
ρ⁻¹ h = (ρ h)⁻¹
def ConNF.Symmetric [Params] {α β : Λ} (s : Set (TSet β)) ( : β < α) :
Instances For
    def ConNF.newSetEquiv [Params] {α : Λ} :
    TSet α TSet α
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.newSetEquiv_forget [Params] {α : Λ} (x : TSet α) :
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.allPermEquiv_sderiv [Params] {α β : Λ} (ρ : NewPerm) ( : β < α) :
        allPermEquiv ρ = ρ.sderiv β
        theorem ConNF.TSet.exists_of_symmetric [Params] {α β : Λ} (s : Set (TSet β)) ( : β < α) (hs : Symmetric s ) :
        ∃ (x : TSet α), ∀ (y : TSet β), y ∈[] x y s
        theorem ConNF.TSet.exists_support [Params] {α : Λ} (x : TSet α) :
        ∃ (S : Support α), ∀ (ρ : AllPerm α), ρ S = Sρ x = x
        theorem ConNF.TSet.symmetric [Params] {α β : Λ} (x : TSet α) ( : β < α) :
        Symmetric {y : TSet β | y ∈[] x}
        theorem ConNF.tSet_ext' [Params] {α β : Λ} ( : β < α) (x y : TSet α) (h : ∀ (z : TSet β), z ∈[] x z ∈[] y) :
        x = y
        theorem ConNF.TSet.mem_smul_iff' [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} {x : TSet β} {y : TSet α} (h : β < α) (ρ : AllPerm α) :
        x ∈[h] ρ y ρ⁻¹ h x ∈[h] y
        def ConNF.singleton [Params] {α β : Λ} ( : β < α) (x : TSet β) :
        TSet α
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.typedMem_singleton_iff' [Params] {α β : Λ} ( : β < α) (x y : TSet β) :
          y ∈[] ConNF.singleton x y = x
          theorem ConNF.smul_singleton [Params] {α β : Λ} ( : β < α) (x : TSet β) (ρ : AllPerm α) :
          ρ ConNF.singleton x = ConNF.singleton (ρ x)
          theorem ConNF.singleton_injective [Params] {α β : Λ} ( : β < α) :
          theorem ConNF.singleton_inj [Params] {α β : Λ} { : β < α} {x y : TSet β} :
          theorem ConNF.sUnion_singleton_symmetric_aux' [Params] {α β γ : Λ} ( : γ < β) ( : β < α) (s : Set (TSet γ)) (S : Support α) (hS : ∀ (ρ : AllPerm α), ρ S = Sρ ConNF.singleton '' s = ConNF.singleton '' s) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
          ρ S.strong = S.strong ρ s s
          theorem ConNF.sUnion_singleton_symmetric_aux [Params] {α β γ : Λ} ( : γ < β) ( : β < α) (s : Set (TSet γ)) (S : Support α) (hS : ∀ (ρ : AllPerm α), ρ S = Sρ ConNF.singleton '' s = ConNF.singleton '' s) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
          ρ S.strong = S.strong ρ s = s
          theorem ConNF.sUnion_singleton_symmetric [Params] {α β γ : Λ} ( : γ < β) ( : β < α) (s : Set (TSet γ)) (hs : Symmetric (ConNF.singleton '' s) ) :
          Symmetric s