

(Co)Limits of Schemes #

We construct various limits and colimits in the category of schemes.


Spec ℤ is the terminal object in the category of schemes.

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Instances For

    Spec ℤ is the terminal object in the category of schemes.

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    Instances For
      noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.emptyTo (X : Scheme) :

      The map from the empty scheme.

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      Instances For
        theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.emptyTo_base (X : Scheme) :
        X.emptyTo.base = TopCat.ofHom { toFun := fun (x : PEmpty.{u + 1}) => x.elim, continuous_toFun := }

        The empty scheme is the initial object in the category of schemes.

        Instances For

          Spec 0 is the initial object in the category of schemes.

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          Instances For

            (Implementation Detail) The glue data associated to a disjoint union.

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            Instances For
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData'_t' {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (x✝ x✝¹ x✝² : ι) (x✝³ : x✝ x✝¹) (x✝⁴ : x✝ x✝²) (x✝⁵ : x✝¹ x✝²) :
              (disjointGlueData' f).t' x✝ x✝¹ x✝² x✝³ x✝⁴ x✝⁵ = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback.fst ((fun (x x_1 : ι) (x_2 : x x_1) => (f x).emptyTo) x✝ x✝¹ x✝³) ((fun (x x_1 : ι) (x_2 : x x_1) => (f x).emptyTo) x✝ x✝² x✝⁴)) (CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback ((fun (x x_1 : ι) (x_2 : x x_1) => (f x).emptyTo) x✝¹ x✝² x✝⁵) ((fun (x x_1 : ι) (x_2 : x x_1) => (f x).emptyTo) x✝¹ x✝ )).emptyTo
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData'_f {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (x✝ x✝¹ : ι) (x✝² : x✝ x✝¹) :
              (disjointGlueData' f).f x✝ x✝¹ x✝² = (f x✝).emptyTo
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData'_V {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (x✝ x✝¹ : ι) (x✝² : x✝ x✝¹) :
              (disjointGlueData' f).V x✝ x✝¹ x✝² =
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData'_U {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (a✝ : ι) :
              (disjointGlueData' f).U a✝ = f a✝
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData'_t {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (x✝ x✝¹ : ι) (x✝² : x✝ x✝¹) :
              (disjointGlueData' f).t x✝ x✝¹ x✝² = ((fun (x x_1 : ι) (x : x x_1) => ) x✝ x✝¹ x✝²)
              noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) :

              (Implementation Detail) The glue data associated to a disjoint union.

              Instances For
                theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData_V {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (ij : (disjointGlueData' f).J × (disjointGlueData' f).J) :
                (disjointGlueData f).V ij = if ij.1 = ij.2 then f ij.1 else
                theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData_U {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (a✝ : (disjointGlueData' f).J) :
                (disjointGlueData f).U a✝ = f a✝
                theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData_t {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (i j : (disjointGlueData' f).J) :
                (disjointGlueData f).t i j = if h : i = j then CategoryTheory.eqToHom else CategoryTheory.eqToHom
                theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData_J {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) :
                theorem AlgebraicGeometry.disjointGlueData_f {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (i j : (disjointGlueData' f).J) :

                (Implementation Detail) The cofan in LocallyRingedSpace associated to a disjoint union.

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                Instances For

                  (Implementation Detail) The cofan in LocallyRingedSpace associated to a disjoint union is a colimit.

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                  Instances For
                    noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaIsoGlued {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) :

                    (Implementation Detail) Coproduct of schemes is isomorphic to the disjoint union.

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                    Instances For

                      The images of each component in the coproduct is disjoint.

                      noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaOpenCover {σ : Type v} (g : σScheme) [Small.{u, v} σ] :

                      The open cover of the coproduct.

                      Instances For
                        theorem AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaOpenCover_obj {σ : Type v} (g : σScheme) [Small.{u, v} σ] (a✝ : σ) :
                        (sigmaOpenCover g).obj a✝ = g a✝
                        noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaMk {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) :
                        (i : ι) × (f i).toPresheafedSpace ≃ₜ ( f).toPresheafedSpace

                        The underlying topological space of the coproduct is homeomorphic to the disjoint union.

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                        Instances For
                          theorem AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaMk_mk {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) (i : ι) (x : (f i).toPresheafedSpace) :
                          theorem AlgebraicGeometry.isOpenImmersion_sigmaDesc {σ : Type v} (g : σScheme) [Small.{u, v} σ] {X : Scheme} (α : (i : σ) → g i X) [∀ (i : σ), IsOpenImmersion (α i)] ( : Pairwise (Function.onFun Disjoint fun (x : σ) => Set.range (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom (α x).base))) :
                          theorem AlgebraicGeometry.nonempty_isColimit_cofanMk_of {σ : Type v} [Small.{u, v} σ] {X : σScheme} {S : Scheme} (f : (i : σ) → X i S) [∀ (i : σ), IsOpenImmersion (f i)] (hcov : ⨆ (i : σ), Scheme.Hom.opensRange (f i) = ) (hdisj : Pairwise (Function.onFun Disjoint fun (x : σ) => Scheme.Hom.opensRange (f x))) :

                          S is the disjoint union of Xᵢ if the Xᵢ are covering, pairwise disjoint open subschemes of S.

                          (Implementation Detail) The coproduct of the two schemes is given by indexed coproducts over WalkingPair.

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                          Instances For

                            The underlying topological space of the coproduct is homeomorphic to the disjoint union

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                            Instances For
                              noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.coprodOpenCover (X Y : Scheme) :

                              The open cover of the coproduct of two schemes.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For

                                If X and Y are open disjoint and covering open subschemes of S, S is the disjoint union of X and Y.

                                The map Spec R ⨿ Spec S ⟶ Spec (R × S). This is an isomorphism as witnessed by an IsIso instance provided below.

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                                Instances For
                                  noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.sigmaSpec {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) :
                                  ( fun (i : ι) => Spec (R i)) Spec (CommRingCat.of ((i : ι) → (R i)))

                                  The canonical map ∐ Spec Rᵢ ⟶ Spec (Π Rᵢ). This is an isomorphism when the product is finite.

                                  Instances For
                                    theorem AlgebraicGeometry.ι_sigmaSpec {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) (i : ι) :
                                    instance AlgebraicGeometry.instIsOpenImmersionMapOfHomForallEvalRingHom {ι : Type u} (i : ι) (R : ιType (max u_1 u)) [(i : ι) → CommRing (R i)] :
                                    instance AlgebraicGeometry.instIsAffineSigmaObjSchemeOfFinite {ι : Type u} (f : ιScheme) [Finite ι] [∀ (i : ι), IsAffine (f i)] :