

Jacobson Rings #

The following conditions are equivalent for a ring R:

  1. Every radical ideal I is equal to its Jacobson radical
  2. Every radical ideal I can be written as an intersection of maximal ideals
  3. Every prime ideal I is equal to its Jacobson radical Any ring satisfying any of these equivalent conditions is said to be Jacobson. Some particular examples of Jacobson rings are also proven. isJacobson_quotient says that the quotient of a Jacobson ring is Jacobson. isJacobson_localization says the localization of a Jacobson ring to a single element is Jacobson. isJacobson_polynomial_iff_isJacobson says polynomials over a Jacobson ring form a Jacobson ring.

Main definitions #

Let R be a commutative ring. Jacobson rings are defined using the first of the above conditions

Main statements #

Tags #

Jacobson, Jacobson Ring

class Ideal.IsJacobson (R : Type u_3) [CommRing R] :

A ring is a Jacobson ring if for every radical ideal I, the Jacobson radical of I is equal to I. See isJacobson_iff_prime_eq and isJacobson_iff_sInf_maximal for equivalent definitions.

  • out' : ∀ (I : Ideal R), I.IsRadicalI.jacobson = I
    theorem Ideal.IsJacobson.out' {R : Type u_3} :
    ∀ {inst : CommRing R} [self : Ideal.IsJacobson R] (I : Ideal R), I.IsRadicalI.jacobson = I
    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_iff {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
    Ideal.IsJacobson R ∀ (I : Ideal R), I.IsRadicalI.jacobson = I
    theorem Ideal.IsJacobson.out {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
    Ideal.IsJacobson R∀ {I : Ideal R}, I.IsRadicalI.jacobson = I
    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_iff_prime_eq {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
    Ideal.IsJacobson R ∀ (P : Ideal R), P.IsPrimeP.jacobson = P

    A ring is a Jacobson ring if and only if for all prime ideals P, the Jacobson radical of P is equal to P.

    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_iff_sInf_maximal {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
    Ideal.IsJacobson R ∀ {I : Ideal R}, I.IsPrime∃ (M : Set (Ideal R)), (∀ JM, J.IsMaximal J = ) I = sInf M

    A ring R is Jacobson if and only if for every prime ideal I, I can be written as the infimum of some collection of maximal ideals. Allowing ⊤ in the set M of maximal ideals is equivalent, but makes some proofs cleaner.

    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_iff_sInf_maximal' {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
    Ideal.IsJacobson R ∀ {I : Ideal R}, I.IsPrime∃ (M : Set (Ideal R)), (∀ JM, ∀ (K : Ideal R), J < KK = ) I = sInf M
    theorem Ideal.radical_eq_jacobson {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [H : Ideal.IsJacobson R] (I : Ideal R) :
    I.radical = I.jacobson
    @[instance 100]

    Fields have only two ideals, and the condition holds for both of them.

    • =
    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_of_surjective {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [H : Ideal.IsJacobson R] :
    (∃ (f : R →+* S), Function.Surjective f)Ideal.IsJacobson S
    @[instance 100]
    • =
    theorem Ideal.isJacobson_of_isIntegral' {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (f : R →+* S) (hf : f.IsIntegral) (hR : Ideal.IsJacobson R) :
    theorem Ideal.isMaximal_iff_isMaximal_disjoint {R : Type u_1} (S : Type u_2) [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (y : R) [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization.Away y S] [H : Ideal.IsJacobson R] (J : Ideal S) :
    J.IsMaximal (Ideal.comap (algebraMap R S) J).IsMaximal yIdeal.comap (algebraMap R S) J

    If R is a Jacobson ring, then maximal ideals in the localization at y correspond to maximal ideals in the original ring R that don't contain y. This lemma gives the correspondence in the particular case of an ideal and its comap. See le_relIso_of_maximal for the more general relation isomorphism

    theorem Ideal.isMaximal_of_isMaximal_disjoint {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (y : R) [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization.Away y S] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] (I : Ideal R) (hI : I.IsMaximal) (hy : yI) :
    ( (algebraMap R S) I).IsMaximal

    If R is a Jacobson ring, then maximal ideals in the localization at y correspond to maximal ideals in the original ring R that don't contain y. This lemma gives the correspondence in the particular case of an ideal and its map. See le_relIso_of_maximal for the more general statement, and the reverse of this implication

    def Ideal.orderIsoOfMaximal {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (y : R) [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization.Away y S] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] :
    { p : Ideal S // p.IsMaximal } ≃o { p : Ideal R // p.IsMaximal yp }

    If R is a Jacobson ring, then maximal ideals in the localization at y correspond to maximal ideals in the original ring R that don't contain y

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem Ideal.isJacobson_localization {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (y : R) [Algebra R S] [IsLocalization.Away y S] [H : Ideal.IsJacobson R] :

      If S is the localization of the Jacobson ring R at the submonoid generated by y : R, then S is Jacobson.

      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.Subring.mem_closure_image_of {S : Type u_1} {T : Type u_2} [CommRing S] [CommRing T] (g : S →+* T) (u : Set S) (x : S) (hx : x Subring.closure u) :
      g x Subring.closure (g '' u)
      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.mem_closure_X_union_C {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] (p : Polynomial R) :
      p Subring.closure (insert Polynomial.X {f : Polynomial R | 0})
      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.isIntegral_isLocalization_polynomial_quotient {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {Rₘ : Type u_3} {Sₘ : Type u_4} [CommRing Rₘ] [CommRing Sₘ] (P : Ideal (Polynomial R)) (pX : Polynomial R) (hpX : pX P) [Algebra (R Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P) Rₘ] [IsLocalization.Away ( ( (Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P)) pX).leadingCoeff Rₘ] [Algebra (Polynomial R P) Sₘ] [IsLocalization ( (Ideal.quotientMap P Polynomial.C ) (Submonoid.powers ( ( (Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P)) pX).leadingCoeff)) Sₘ] :
      ( Sₘ (Ideal.quotientMap P Polynomial.C ) ).IsIntegral

      If I is a prime ideal of R[X] and pX ∈ I is a non-constant polynomial, then the map R →+* R[x]/I descends to an integral map when localizing at pX.leadingCoeff. In particular X is integral because it satisfies pX, and constants are trivially integral, so integrality of the entire extension follows by closure under addition and multiplication.

      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.jacobson_bot_of_integral_localization {S : Type u_2} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] {R : Type u_5} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] (Rₘ : Type u_6) (Sₘ : Type u_7) [CommRing Rₘ] [CommRing Sₘ] (φ : R →+* S) (hφ : Function.Injective φ) (x : R) (hx : x 0) [Algebra R Rₘ] [IsLocalization.Away x Rₘ] [Algebra S Sₘ] [IsLocalization ( φ (Submonoid.powers x)) Sₘ] (hφ' : ( Sₘ φ ).IsIntegral) :
      .jacobson =

      If f : R → S descends to an integral map in the localization at x, and R is a Jacobson ring, then the intersection of all maximal ideals in S is trivial

      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.isMaximal_comap_C_of_isMaximal {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (P : Ideal (Polynomial R)) [hP : P.IsMaximal] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] [Nontrivial R] (hP' : ∀ (x : R), Polynomial.C x Px = 0) :
      (Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P).IsMaximal
      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.quotient_mk_comp_C_isIntegral_of_jacobson {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (P : Ideal (Polynomial R)) [hP : P.IsMaximal] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] :
      (( P).comp Polynomial.C).IsIntegral

      If R is a Jacobson ring, and P is a maximal ideal of R[X], then R → R[X]/P is an integral map.

      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.isMaximal_comap_C_of_isJacobson {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (P : Ideal (Polynomial R)) [hP : P.IsMaximal] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] :
      (Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P).IsMaximal
      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.isMaximal_comap_C_of_isJacobson' {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] {P : Ideal (Polynomial R)} (hP : P.IsMaximal) :
      (Ideal.comap Polynomial.C P).IsMaximal
      theorem Ideal.Polynomial.comp_C_integral_of_surjective_of_jacobson {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] {S : Type u_2} [Field S] (f : Polynomial R →+* S) (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
      (f.comp Polynomial.C).IsIntegral

      General form of the Nullstellensatz for Jacobson rings, since in a Jacobson ring we have Inf {P maximal | P ≥ I} = Inf {P prime | P ≥ I} = I.radical. Fields are always Jacobson, and in that special case this is (most of) the classical Nullstellensatz, since I(V(I)) is the intersection of maximal ideals containing I, which is then I.radical

      • =
      theorem Ideal.MvPolynomial.quotient_mk_comp_C_isIntegral_of_jacobson {n : } {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] (P : Ideal (MvPolynomial (Fin n) R)) [hP : P.IsMaximal] :
      (( P).comp MvPolynomial.C).IsIntegral
      theorem Ideal.MvPolynomial.comp_C_integral_of_surjective_of_jacobson {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [Ideal.IsJacobson R] {σ : Type u_2} [Finite σ] {S : Type u_3} [Field S] (f : MvPolynomial σ R →+* S) (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
      (f.comp MvPolynomial.C).IsIntegral