

Morphisms surjective on stalks #

We define the class of morphisms between schemes that are surjective on stalks. We show that this class is stable under composition and base change.

We also show that (AlgebraicGeometry.SurjectiveOnStalks.isEmbedding_pullback) if Y ⟶ S is surjective on stalks, then for every X ⟶ S, X ×ₛ Y is a subset of X × Y (cartesian product as topological spaces) with the induced topology.

The class of morphisms f : X ⟶ Y between schemes such that 𝒪_{Y, f x} ⟶ 𝒪_{X, x} is surjective for all x : X.


    If Y ⟶ S is surjective on stalks, then for every X ⟶ S, X ×ₛ Y is a subset of X × Y (cartesian product as topological spaces) with the induced topology.