mathlib3 documentation


Constructions of (co)limits in CommRing #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

In this file we provide the explicit (co)cones for various (co)limits in CommRing, including

theorem CommRing.pushout_cocone_X {R A B : CommRing} (f : R A) (g : R B) :

Verify that the pushout_cocone is indeed the colimit.


The product in CommRing is the cartesian product. This is the binary fan.

theorem CommRing.prod_fan_X (A B : CommRing) :

The equalizer in CommRing is the equalizer as sets. This is the equalizer fork.

@[protected, instance]

In the category of CommRing, the pullback of f : A ⟶ C and g : B ⟶ C is the eq_locus of the two maps A × B ⟶ C. This is the constructed pullback cone.
