Special coequalizers associated to a monad #
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Associated to a monad T : C ⥤ C
we have important coequalizer constructions:
Any algebra is a coequalizer (in the category of algebras) of free algebras. Furthermore, this
coequalizer is reflexive.
In C
, this cofork diagram is a split coequalizer (in particular, it is still a coequalizer).
This split coequalizer is known as the Beck coequalizer (as it features heavily in Beck's
monadicity theorem).
Show that any algebra is a coequalizer of free algebras.
The top map in the coequalizer diagram we will construct.
Instances for category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.top_map
The bottom map in the coequalizer diagram we will construct.
Instances for category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.bottom_map
The cofork map in the coequalizer diagram we will construct.
Construct the Beck cofork in the category of algebras. This cofork is reflexive as well as a coequalizer.
The cofork constructed is a colimit. This shows that any algebra is a (reflexive) coequalizer of free algebras.
- category_theory.monad.beck_algebra_coequalizer X = category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.mk' (category_theory.monad.beck_algebra_cofork X) (λ (s : category_theory.limits.cofork (category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.top_map X) (category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.bottom_map X)), ⟨{f := T.η.app (category_theory.monad.beck_algebra_cofork X).X.A ≫ s.π.f, h' := _}, _⟩)
The Beck cofork is a split coequalizer.
- category_theory.monad.beck_split_coequalizer X = {right_section := T.η.app X.A, left_section := T.η.app (T.to_functor.obj X.A), condition := _, right_section_π := _, left_section_bottom := _, left_section_top := _}
This is the Beck cofork. It is a split coequalizer, in particular a coequalizer.
The Beck cofork is a coequalizer.