Conservative systems #
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In this file we define f : α → α
to be a conservative system w.r.t a measure μ
if f
non-singular (measure_theory.quasi_measure_preserving
) and for every measurable set s
positive measure at least one point x ∈ s
returns back to s
after some number of iterations of
. There are several properties that look like they are stronger than this one but actually follow
from it:
: ifμ s ≠ 0
, then for infinitely manyn
, the measure ofs ∩ (f^[n]) ⁻¹' s
is positive. -
: a.e. every point ofs
infinitely many times (Poincaré recurrence theorem).
We also prove the topological Poincaré recurrence theorem
. Let f : α → α
be a conservative
dynamical system on a topological space with second countable topology and measurable open
sets. Then almost every point x : α
is recurrent: it visits every neighborhood s ∈ 𝓝 x
infinitely many times.
Tags #
conservative dynamical system, Poincare recurrence theorem
- to_quasi_measure_preserving : measure_theory.measure.quasi_measure_preserving f μ μ
- exists_mem_image_mem : ∀ ⦃s : set α⦄, measurable_set s → ⇑μ s ≠ 0 → (∃ (x : α) (H : x ∈ s) (m : ℕ) (H : m ≠ 0), f^[m] x ∈ s)
We say that a non-singular (measure_theory.quasi_measure_preserving
) self-map is
conservative if for any measurable set s
of positive measure there exists x ∈ s
such that x
returns back to s
under some iteration of f
A self-map preserving a finite measure is conservative.
The identity map is conservative w.r.t. any measure.
If f
is a conservative map and s
is a measurable set of nonzero measure, then
for infinitely many values of m
a positive measure of points x ∈ s
returns back to s
after m
iterations of f
If f
is a conservative map and s
is a measurable set of nonzero measure, then
for an arbitrarily large m
a positive measure of points x ∈ s
returns back to s
after m
iterations of f
Poincaré recurrence theorem: given a conservative map f
and a measurable set s
, the set
of points x ∈ s
such that x
does not return to s
after ≥ n
iterations has measure zero.
Poincaré recurrence theorem: given a conservative map f
and a measurable set s
almost every point x ∈ s
returns back to s
infinitely many times.
Poincaré recurrence theorem: if f
is a conservative dynamical system and s
is a measurable
set, then for μ
-a.e. x
, if the orbit of x
visits s
at least once, then it visits s
infinitely many times.
If f
is a conservative self-map and s
is a measurable set of positive measure, then
-frequently we have x ∈ s
and s
returns to s
under infinitely many iterations of f
Poincaré recurrence theorem. Let f : α → α
be a conservative dynamical system on a topological
space with second countable topology and measurable open sets. Then almost every point x : α
is recurrent: it visits every neighborhood s ∈ 𝓝 x
infinitely many times.
Iteration of a conservative system is a conservative system.