Fixed field under a group action. #
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This is the basis of the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
Given a (finite) group G
that acts on a field F
, we define fixed_points G F
the subfield consisting of elements of F
fixed_points by every element of G
This subfield is then normal and separable, and in addition (TODO) if G
acts faithfully on F
then finrank (fixed_points G F) F = fintype.card G
Main Definitions #
fixed_points G F
, the subfield consisting of elements ofF
fixed_points by every element ofG
, whereG
is a group that acts onF
The subfield of F fixed by the field endomorphism m
A typeclass for subrings invariant under a mul_semiring_action
Instances of this typeclass
- is_invariant_subfield.to_mul_semiring_action M S = {to_distrib_mul_action := {to_mul_action := {to_has_smul := {smul := λ (m : M) (x : ↥S), ⟨m • ↑x, _⟩}, one_smul := _, mul_smul := _}, smul_zero := _, smul_add := _}, smul_one := _, smul_mul := _}
The subfield of fixed points by a monoid action.
- fixed_points.subfield M F = (⨅ (m : M), fixed_by.subfield F m).copy (mul_action.fixed_points M F) _
Instances for fixed_points.subfield
- fixed_points.algebra M F = (fixed_points.subfield M F).to_algebra
minpoly G F x
is the minimal polynomial of (x : F)
over fixed_points G F
- fixed_points.minpoly G F x = (prod_X_sub_smul G F x).to_subring (fixed_points.subfield G F).to_subring _
- alg_equiv.fintype K V = fintype.of_equiv (V →ₐ[K] V) ↑((alg_equiv_equiv_alg_hom K V).symm)
is bijective.
Bijection between G and algebra homomorphisms that fix the fixed points