Characters of representations #
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This file introduces characters of representation and proves basic lemmas about how characters behave under various operations on representations.
- Once we have the monoidal closed structure on
fdRep k G
and a better API for the rigid structure,char_dual
should probably be stated in terms ofVᘁ
andihom V W
{k : Type u}
[field k]
{G : Type u}
[group G]
[fintype G]
[invertible ↑(fintype.card G)]
(V : fdRep k G) :
⅟ ↑(fintype.card G) • finset.univ.sum (λ (g : G), V.character g) = ↑(finite_dimensional.finrank k ↥(representation.invariants V.ρ))
{k : Type u}
[field k]
{G : Group}
[is_alg_closed k]
[fintype ↥G]
[invertible ↑(fintype.card ↥G)]
(V W : fdRep k ↥G)
[category_theory.simple V]
[category_theory.simple W] :
Orthogonality of characters for irreducible representations of finite group over an algebraically closed field whose characteristic doesn't divide the order of the group.