mathlib3 documentation


A model of ZFC #

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In this file, we model Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (+ Choice) using Lean's underlying type theory. We do this in four main steps:

The model #

Other definitions #

Notes #

To avoid confusion between the Lean set and the ZFC Set, docstrings in this file refer to them respectively as "set" and "ZFC set".


Prove Set.map_definable_aux computably.

def arity (α : Type u) :

The type of n-ary functions α → α → ... → α.

Instances for arity
theorem arity_zero (α : Type u) :
arity α 0 = α
theorem arity_succ (α : Type u) (n : ) :
arity α n.succ = arity α n)
def arity.const {α : Type u} (a : α) (n : ) :
arity α n

Constant n-ary function with value a.

theorem arity.const_zero {α : Type u} (a : α) :
theorem arity.const_succ {α : Type u} (a : α) (n : ) :
arity.const a n.succ = λ (_x : α), arity.const a n
theorem arity.const_succ_apply {α : Type u} (a : α) (n : ) (x : α) :
@[protected, instance]
def arity.arity.inhabited {α : Type u_1} {n : } [inhabited α] :
inductive pSet  :
Type (u+1)

The type of pre-sets in universe u. A pre-set is a family of pre-sets indexed by a type in Type u. The ZFC universe is defined as a quotient of this to ensure extensionality.

Instances for pSet
def pSet.type  :

The underlying type of a pre-set

Instances for pSet.type
def pSet.func (x : pSet) :

The underlying pre-set family of a pre-set

theorem pSet.mk_type (α : Type u_1) (A : α pSet) :
( α A).type = α
theorem pSet.mk_func (α : Type u_1) (A : α pSet) :
( α A).func = A
theorem pSet.eta (x : pSet) :
def pSet.equiv (x : pSet) (y : pSet) :

Two pre-sets are extensionally equivalent if every element of the first family is extensionally equivalent to some element of the second family and vice-versa.

theorem pSet.equiv_iff {x : pSet} {y : pSet} :
x.equiv y ( (i : x.type), (j : y.type), (x.func i).equiv (y.func j)) (j : y.type), (i : x.type), (x.func i).equiv (y.func j)
theorem pSet.equiv.exists_left {x : pSet} {y : pSet} (h : x.equiv y) (i : x.type) :
(j : y.type), (x.func i).equiv (y.func j)
theorem pSet.equiv.exists_right {x : pSet} {y : pSet} (h : x.equiv y) (j : y.type) :
(i : x.type), (x.func i).equiv (y.func j)
@[protected, refl]
theorem pSet.equiv.refl (x : pSet) :
x.equiv x
theorem pSet.equiv.rfl {x : pSet} :
x.equiv x
theorem pSet.equiv.euc {x : pSet} {y : pSet} {z : pSet} :
x.equiv y z.equiv y x.equiv z
@[protected, symm]
theorem pSet.equiv.symm {x : pSet} {y : pSet} :
x.equiv y y.equiv x
theorem pSet.equiv.comm {x : pSet} {y : pSet} :
x.equiv y y.equiv x
@[protected, trans]
theorem pSet.equiv.trans {x : pSet} {y : pSet} {z : pSet} (h1 : x.equiv y) (h2 : y.equiv z) :
x.equiv z
theorem pSet.equiv_of_is_empty (x : pSet) (y : pSet) [is_empty x.type] [is_empty y.type] :
x.equiv y
@[protected, instance]
def pSet.subset (x : pSet) (y : pSet) :

A pre-set is a subset of another pre-set if every element of the first family is extensionally equivalent to some element of the second family.

@[protected, instance]
theorem pSet.equiv.ext (x y : pSet) :
x.equiv y x y y x
theorem pSet.subset.congr_left {x y z : pSet} :
x.equiv y (x z y z)
theorem pSet.subset.congr_right {x y z : pSet} :
x.equiv y (z x z y)
def pSet.mem (x y : pSet) :

x ∈ y as pre-sets if x is extensionally equivalent to a member of the family y.

@[protected, instance]
theorem {α : Type u} (A : α pSet) (a : α) :
A a α A
theorem pSet.func_mem (x : pSet) (i : x.type) :
x.func i x
theorem pSet.mem.ext {x y : pSet} :
( (w : pSet), w x w y) x.equiv y
theorem pSet.mem.congr_right {x y : pSet} :
x.equiv y {w : pSet}, w x w y
theorem pSet.equiv_iff_mem {x y : pSet} :
x.equiv y {w : pSet}, w x w y
theorem pSet.mem.congr_left {x y : pSet} :
x.equiv y {w : pSet}, x w y w
@[protected, instance]
theorem pSet.mem_asymm {x y : pSet} :
x y y x
theorem pSet.mem_irrefl (x : pSet) :
x x
def pSet.to_set (u : pSet) :

Convert a pre-set to a set of pre-sets.

theorem pSet.mem_to_set (a u : pSet) :
a u.to_set a u
def pSet.nonempty (u : pSet) :

A nonempty set is one that contains some element.

theorem pSet.nonempty_def (u : pSet) :
u.nonempty (x : pSet), x u
theorem pSet.nonempty_of_mem {x u : pSet} (h : x u) :
theorem pSet.equiv.eq {x y : pSet} :

Two pre-sets are equivalent iff they have the same members.

@[protected, instance]
def pSet.empty  :

The empty pre-set

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem pSet.not_mem_empty (x : pSet) :
theorem pSet.empty_subset (x : pSet) :
theorem pSet.equiv_empty (x : pSet) [is_empty x.type] :
def pSet.insert (x y : pSet) :

Insert an element into a pre-set

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]

The n-th von Neumann ordinal

def  :

The von Neumann ordinal ω

def pSet.sep (p : pSet Prop) (x : pSet) :

The pre-set separation operation {x ∈ a | p x}

@[protected, instance]
def pSet.powerset (x : pSet) :

The pre-set powerset operator

theorem pSet.mem_powerset {x y : pSet} :
def pSet.sUnion (a : pSet) :

The pre-set union operator

theorem pSet.mem_sUnion {x y : pSet} :
y ⋃₀ x (z : pSet) (H : z x), y z
def pSet.image (f : pSet pSet) (x : pSet) :

The image of a function from pre-sets to pre-sets.

theorem pSet.mem_image {f : pSet pSet} (H : {x y : pSet}, x.equiv y (f x).equiv (f y)) {x y : pSet} :
y pSet.image f x (z : pSet) (H : z x), y.equiv (f z)

Universe lift operation

def pSet.embed  :

Embedding of one universe in another

def pSet.arity.equiv {n : } :

Function equivalence is defined so that f ~ g iff ∀ x y, x ~ y → f x ~ g y. This extends to equivalence of n-ary functions.

def pSet.resp (n : ) :
Type (u+1)

resp n is the collection of n-ary functions on pSet that respect equivalence, i.e. when the inputs are equivalent the output is as well.

Instances for pSet.resp
@[protected, instance]
def pSet.resp.f {n : } (f : pSet.resp (n + 1)) (x : pSet) :

The n-ary image of a (n + 1)-ary function respecting equivalence as a function respecting equivalence.

def pSet.resp.equiv {n : } (a b : pSet.resp n) :

Function equivalence for functions respecting equivalence. See pSet.arity.equiv.

theorem pSet.resp.equiv.refl {n : } (a : pSet.resp n) :
a.equiv a
theorem pSet.resp.equiv.euc {n : } {a b c : pSet.resp n} :
a.equiv b c.equiv b a.equiv c
theorem pSet.resp.equiv.symm {n : } {a b : pSet.resp n} :
a.equiv b b.equiv a
theorem pSet.resp.equiv.trans {n : } {x y z : pSet.resp n} (h1 : x.equiv y) (h2 : y.equiv z) :
x.equiv z
@[protected, instance]
def pSet.resp.eval_aux {n : } :
{f // (a b : pSet.resp n), a.equiv b f a = f b}

Helper function for pSet.eval.


An equivalence-respecting function yields an n-ary ZFC set function.

Instances for pSet.resp.eval
theorem pSet.resp.eval_val {n : } {f : pSet.resp (n + 1)} {x : pSet} :
inductive pSet.definable (n : ) :
arity Set n Type (u+1)

A set function is "definable" if it is the image of some n-ary pre-set function. This isn't exactly definability, but is useful as a sufficient condition for functions that have a computable image.

Instances of this typeclass
Instances of other typeclasses for pSet.definable
  • pSet.definable.has_sizeof_inst
def pSet.definable.eq_mk {n : } (f : pSet.resp n) {s : arity Set n} (H : pSet.resp.eval n f = s) :

The evaluation of a function respecting equivalence is definable, by that same function.

def pSet.definable.resp {n : } (s : arity Set n) [pSet.definable n s] :

Turns a definable function into a function that respects equivalence.

noncomputable def classical.all_definable {n : } (F : arity Set n) :

All functions are classically definable.

def  :

Turns a pre-set into a ZFC set.

theorem Set.mk_eq (x : pSet) :
theorem Set.mk_out (x : Set) :
theorem Set.eq {x y : pSet} :
theorem Set.sound {x y : pSet} (h : x.equiv y) :
theorem Set.exact {x y : pSet} :
theorem Set.eval_mk {n : } {f : pSet.resp (n + 1)} {x : pSet} :
pSet.resp.eval (n + 1) f ( x) = pSet.resp.eval n (f.f x)
def Set.mem  :
Set Set Prop

The membership relation for ZFC sets is inherited from the membership relation for pre-sets.

@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.mk_mem_iff {x y : pSet} :
def Set.to_set (u : Set) :

Convert a ZFC set into a set of ZFC sets

Instances for Set.to_set
theorem Set.mem_to_set (a u : Set) :
a u.to_set a u
@[protected, instance]
def Set.small_to_set (x : Set) :
def Set.nonempty (u : Set) :

A nonempty set is one that contains some element.

theorem Set.nonempty_def (u : Set) :
u.nonempty (x : Set), x u
theorem Set.nonempty_of_mem {x u : Set} (h : x u) :
def Set.subset (x y : Set) :

x ⊆ y as ZFC sets means that all members of x are members of y.

@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.subset_def {x y : Set} :
x y ⦃z : Set⦄, z x z y
theorem Set.subset_iff {x y : pSet} :
theorem Set.to_set_subset_iff {x y : Set} :
theorem Set.ext {x y : Set} :
( (z : Set), z x z y) x = y
theorem Set.ext_iff {x y : Set} :
x = y (z : Set), z x z y
theorem Set.to_set_inj {x y : Set} :
x.to_set = y.to_set x = y
def Set.empty  :

The empty ZFC set

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.not_mem_empty (x : Set) :
theorem Set.empty_subset (x : Set) :
theorem Set.eq_empty (x : Set) :
x = (y : Set), y x

insert x y is the set {x} ∪ y

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.mem_insert_iff {x y z : Set} :
theorem Set.mem_insert (x y : Set) :
theorem Set.mem_insert_of_mem {y z : Set} (x : Set) (h : z y) :
theorem Set.mem_singleton {x y : Set} :
x {y} x = y
theorem Set.to_set_singleton (x : Set) :
{x}.to_set = {x}
theorem Set.singleton_nonempty (u : Set) :
theorem Set.mem_pair {x y z : Set} :
x {y, z} x = y x = z
def  :

omega is the first infinite von Neumann ordinal

def Set.sep (p : Set Prop) :

{x ∈ a | p x} is the set of elements in a satisfying p

@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.mem_sep {p : Set Prop} {x y : Set} :
y {y ∈ x | p y} y x p y
theorem Set.to_set_sep (a : Set) (p : Set Prop) :
{x ∈ a | p x}.to_set = {x ∈ a.to_set | p x}

The powerset operation, the collection of subsets of a ZFC set

theorem Set.mem_powerset {x y : Set} :
theorem Set.sUnion_lem {α β : Type u} (A : α pSet) (B : β pSet) (αβ : (a : α), (b : β), (A a).equiv (B b)) (a : (⋃₀ α A).type) :
(b : (⋃₀ β B).type), ((⋃₀ α A).func a).equiv ((⋃₀ β B).func b)
def Set.sUnion  :

The union operator, the collection of elements of elements of a ZFC set

noncomputable def Set.sInter (x : Set) :

The intersection operator, the collection of elements in all of the elements of a ZFC set. We special-case ⋂₀ ∅ = ∅.

theorem Set.mem_sUnion {x y : Set} :
y ⋃₀ x (z : Set) (H : z x), y z
theorem Set.mem_sInter {x y : Set} (h : x.nonempty) :
y ⋂₀ x (z : Set), z x y z
theorem Set.mem_of_mem_sInter {x y z : Set} (hy : y ⋂₀ x) (hz : z x) :
y z
theorem Set.mem_sUnion_of_mem {x y z : Set} (hy : y z) (hz : z x) :
theorem Set.not_mem_sInter_of_not_mem {x y z : Set} (hy : y z) (hz : z x) :
theorem Set.sUnion_singleton {x : Set} :
⋃₀ {x} = x
theorem Set.sInter_singleton {x : Set} :
⋂₀ {x} = x
theorem Set.singleton_inj {x y : Set} :
{x} = {y} x = y
def Set.union (x y : Set) :

The binary union operation

def Set.inter (x y : Set) :

The binary intersection operation

def Set.diff (x y : Set) :

The set difference operation

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.to_set_union (x y : Set) :
theorem Set.to_set_inter (x y : Set) :
theorem Set.to_set_sdiff (x y : Set) :
(x \ y).to_set = x.to_set \ y.to_set
theorem Set.mem_union {x y z : Set} :
z x y z x z y
theorem Set.mem_inter {x y z : Set} :
z x y z x z y
theorem Set.mem_diff {x y z : Set} :
z x \ y z x z y
theorem Set.sUnion_pair {x y : Set} :
⋃₀ {x, y} = x y
theorem Set.induction_on {p : Set Prop} (x : Set) (h : (x : Set), ( (y : Set), y x p y) p x) :
p x

Induction on the relation.

@[protected, instance]
theorem Set.mem_asymm {x y : Set} :
x y y x
theorem Set.mem_irrefl (x : Set) :
x x
theorem Set.regularity (x : Set) (h : x ) :
(y : Set) (H : y x), x y =
def Set.image (f : Set Set) [H : pSet.definable 1 f] :

The image of a (definable) ZFC set function

theorem (f : Set Set) [H : pSet.definable 1 f] (x : Set) {y : Set} (h : y x) :
f y Set.image f x
theorem Set.mem_image {f : Set Set} [H : pSet.definable 1 f] {x y : Set} :
y Set.image f x (z : Set) (H : z x), f z = y
theorem Set.to_set_image (f : Set Set) [H : pSet.definable 1 f] (x : Set) :
noncomputable def Set.range {α : Type u} (f : α Set) :

The range of an indexed family of sets. The universes allow for a more general index type without manual use of ulift.

theorem Set.mem_range {α : Type u} {f : α Set} {x : Set} :
theorem Set.to_set_range {α : Type u} (f : α Set) :
def Set.pair (x y : Set) :

Kuratowski ordered pair

  • x.pair y = {{x}, {x, y}}
Instances for Set.pair
theorem Set.to_set_pair (x y : Set) :
(x.pair y).to_set = {{x}, {x, y}}
def Set.pair_sep (p : Set Set Prop) (x y : Set) :

A subset of pairs {(a, b) ∈ x × y | p a b}

theorem Set.mem_pair_sep {p : Set Set Prop} {x y z : Set} :
z Set.pair_sep p x y (a : Set) (H : a x) (b : Set) (H : b y), z = a.pair b p a b
theorem Set.pair_inj {x y x' y' : Set} :
x.pair y = x'.pair y' x = x' y = y'

The cartesian product, {(a, b) | a ∈ x, b ∈ y}

theorem Set.mem_prod {x y z : Set} :
z y (a : Set) (H : a x) (b : Set) (H : b y), z = a.pair b
theorem Set.pair_mem_prod {x y a b : Set} :
a.pair b y a x b y
def Set.is_func (x y f : Set) :

is_func x y f is the assertion that f is a subset of x × y which relates to each element of x a unique element of y, so that we can consider fas a ZFC function x → y.

def Set.funs (x y : Set) :

funs x y is y ^ x, the set of all set functions x → y

theorem Set.mem_funs {x y f : Set} :
f x.funs y x.is_func y f
@[protected, instance]
noncomputable def Set.map_definable_aux (f : Set Set) [H : pSet.definable 1 f] :
pSet.definable 1 (λ (y : Set), y.pair (f y))
noncomputable def (f : Set Set) [H : pSet.definable 1 f] :

Graph of a function: map f x is the ZFC function which maps a ∈ x to f a

theorem Set.mem_map {f : Set Set} [H : pSet.definable 1 f] {x y : Set} :
y f x (z : Set) (H : z x), z.pair (f z) = y
theorem Set.map_unique {f : Set Set} [H : pSet.definable 1 f] {x z : Set} (zx : z x) :
∃! (w : Set), z.pair w f x
theorem Set.map_is_func {f : Set Set} [H : pSet.definable 1 f] {x y : Set} :
x.is_func y ( f x) (z : Set), z x f z y
def Set.hereditarily (p : Set Prop) :
Set Prop

Given a predicate p on ZFC sets. hereditarily p x means that x has property p and the members of x are all hereditarily p.

theorem Set.hereditarily_iff {p : Set Prop} {x : Set} :
theorem Set.hereditarily.def {p : Set Prop} {x : Set} :

Alias of the forward direction of Set.hereditarily_iff.

theorem Set.hereditarily.self {p : Set Prop} {x : Set} (h : Set.hereditarily p x) :
p x
theorem Set.hereditarily.mem {p : Set Prop} {x y : Set} (h : Set.hereditarily p x) (hy : y x) :
theorem Set.hereditarily.empty {p : Set Prop} {x : Set} :
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
def Class  :
Type (u_1+1)

The collection of all classes.

We define Class as set Set, as this allows us to get many instances automatically. However, in practice, we treat it as (the definitionally equal) Set → Prop. This means, the preferred way to state that x : Set belongs to A : Class is to write A x.

Instances for Class
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem Class.ext {x y : Class} :
( (z : Set), x z y z) x = y
theorem Class.ext_iff {x y : Class} :
x = y (z : Set), x z y z
def Class.of_Set (x : Set) :

Coerce a ZFC set into a class

@[protected, instance]
def Class.univ  :

The universal class

def Class.to_Set (B A : Class) :

Assert that A is a ZFC set satisfying B

def Class.mem (A B : Class) :

A ∈ B if A is a ZFC set which satisfies B

@[protected, instance]
theorem Class.mem_def (A B : Class) :
A B (x : Set), x = A B x
theorem Class.not_mem_empty (x : Class) :
theorem Class.not_empty_hom (x : Set) :
theorem Class.mem_univ {A : Class} :
theorem Class.mem_univ_hom (x : Set) :
theorem Class.eq_univ_iff_forall {A : Class} :
A = Class.univ (x : Set), A x
theorem Class.eq_univ_of_forall {A : Class} :
( (x : Set), A x) A = Class.univ
theorem Class.mem_asymm {x y : Class} :
x y y x
theorem Class.mem_irrefl (x : Class) :
x x

There is no universal set.

This is stated as univ ∉ univ, meaning that univ (the class of all sets) is proper (does not belong to the class of all sets).

Convert a conglomerate (a collection of classes) into a class


Convert a class into a conglomerate (a collection of classes)

def Class.powerset (x : Class) :

The power class of a class is the class of all subclasses that are ZFC sets

def Class.sUnion (x : Class) :

The union of a class is the class of all members of ZFC sets in the class

def Class.sInter (x : Class) :

The intersection of a class is the class of all members of ZFC sets in the class

theorem Class.of_Set.inj {x y : Set} (h : x = y) :
x = y
theorem Class.to_Set_of_Set (A : Class) (x : Set) :
A.to_Set x A x
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_mem {x : Set} {A : Class} :
x A A x
theorem Class.coe_apply {x y : Set} :
y x x y
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_subset (x y : Set) :
x y x y
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_sep (p : Class) (x : Set) :
{y ∈ x | p y} = {y ∈ x | p y}
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_empty  :
@[simp, norm_cast]
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_union (x y : Set) :
(x y) = x y
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_inter (x y : Set) :
(x y) = x y
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_diff (x y : Set) :
(x \ y) = x \ y
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.powerset_apply {A : Class} {x : Set} :
theorem Class.sUnion_apply {x : Class} {y : Set} :
(⋃₀ x) y (z : Set), x z y z
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_sUnion (x : Set) :
theorem Class.mem_sUnion {x y : Class} :
y ⋃₀ x (z : Class), z x y z
theorem Class.sInter_apply {x : Class} {y : Set} :
(⋂₀ x) y (z : Set), x z y z
@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem Class.coe_sInter {x : Set} (h : x.nonempty) :
theorem Class.mem_of_mem_sInter {x y z : Class} (hy : y ⋂₀ x) (hz : z x) :
y z
theorem Class.mem_sInter {x y : Class} (h : set.nonempty x) :
y ⋂₀ x (z : Class), z x y z

An induction principle for sets. If every subset of a class is a member, then the class is universal.

def Class.iota (A : Class) :

The definite description operator, which is {x} if {y | A y} = {x} and otherwise.

theorem Class.iota_val (A : Class) (x : Set) (H : (y : Set), A y y = x) :
theorem Class.iota_ex (A : Class) :

Unlike the other set constructors, the iota definite descriptor is a set for any set input, but not constructively so, so there is no associated ClassSet function.

def Class.fval (F A : Class) :

Function value

theorem Class.fval_ex (F A : Class) :
theorem Set.map_fval {f : Set Set} [H : pSet.definable 1 f] {x y : Set} (h : y x) :
( f x) y = (f y)
noncomputable def Set.choice (x : Set) :

A choice function on the class of nonempty ZFC sets.

theorem Set.choice_mem_aux (x : Set) (h : x) (y : Set) (yx : y x) :
classical.epsilon (λ (z : Set), z y) y
theorem Set.choice_is_func (x : Set) (h : x) :
theorem Set.choice_mem (x : Set) (h : x) (y : Set) (yx : y x) :