mathlib3 documentation


Independence in Projective Space #

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In this file we define independence and dependence of families of elements in projective space.

Implementation Details #

We use an inductive definition to define the independence of points in projective space, where the only constructor assumes an independent family of vectors from the ambient vector space. Similarly for the definition of dependence.

Results #

Future Work #

inductive projectivization.independent {ι : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} {V : Type u_3} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V] :
K V) Prop

A linearly independent family of nonzero vectors gives an independent family of points in projective space.

A family of points in a projective space is independent if and only if the representative vectors determined by the family are linearly independent.

A family of points in projective space is independent if and only if the family of submodules which the points determine is independent in the lattice-theoretic sense.

inductive projectivization.dependent {ι : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} {V : Type u_3} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V] :
K V) Prop

A linearly dependent family of nonzero vectors gives a dependent family of points in projective space.

A family of points in a projective space is dependent if and only if their representatives are linearly dependent.

Dependence is the negation of independence.

Independence is the negation of dependence.

theorem projectivization.dependent_pair_iff_eq {K : Type u_2} {V : Type u_3} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V] (u v : K V) :

Two points in a projective space are dependent if and only if they are equal.

theorem projectivization.independent_pair_iff_neq {K : Type u_2} {V : Type u_3} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V] (u v : K V) :

Two points in a projective space are independent if and only if the points are not equal.