mathlib3 documentation


Approximation in Lᵖ by continuous functions #

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This file proves that bounded continuous functions are dense in Lp E p μ, for p < ∞, if the domain α of the functions is a normal topological space and the measure μ is weakly regular. It also proves the same results for approximation by continuous functions with compact support when the space is locally compact and μ is regular.

The result is presented in several versions. First concrete versions giving an approximation up to ε in these various contexts, and then abstract versions stating that the topological closure of the relevant subgroups of Lp are the whole space.

Versions with integrable instead of mem_ℒp are specialized to the case p = 1. Versions with bounded_continuous instead of has_compact_support drop the locally compact assumption and give only approximation by a bounded continuous function.

Note that for p = ∞ this result is not true: the characteristic function of the set [0, ∞) in cannot be continuously approximated in L∞.

The proof is in three steps. First, since simple functions are dense in Lp, it suffices to prove the result for a scalar multiple of a characteristic function of a measurable set s. Secondly, since the measure μ is weakly regular, the set s can be approximated above by an open set and below by a closed set. Finally, since the domain α is normal, we use Urysohn's lemma to find a continuous function interpolating between these two sets.

Are you looking for a result on "directional" approximation (above or below with respect to an order) of functions whose codomain is ℝ≥0∞ or , by semicontinuous functions? See the Vitali-Carathéodory theorem, in the file measure_theory.vitali_caratheodory.

theorem measure_theory.exists_continuous_snorm_sub_le_of_closed {α : Type u_1} [measurable_space α] [topological_space α] [normal_space α] [borel_space α] {E : Type u_2} [normed_add_comm_group E] {μ : measure_theory.measure α} {p : ennreal} [normed_space E] [μ.outer_regular] (hp : p ) {s u : set α} (s_closed : is_closed s) (u_open : is_open u) (hsu : s u) (hs : μ s ) (c : E) {ε : ennreal} (hε : ε 0) :
(f : α E), continuous f measure_theory.snorm (λ (x : α), f x - s.indicator (λ (y : α), c) x) p μ ε ( (x : α), f x c) f u measure_theory.mem_ℒp f p μ

A variant of Urysohn's lemma, ℒ^p version, for an outer regular measure μ: consider two sets s ⊆ u which are respectively closed and open with μ s < ∞, and a vector c. Then one may find a continuous function f equal to c on s and to 0 outside of u, bounded by ‖c‖ everywhere, and such that the ℒ^p norm of f - s.indicator (λ y, c) is arbitrarily small. Additionally, this function f belongs to ℒ^p.

In a locally compact space, any function in ℒp can be approximated by compactly supported continuous functions when p < ∞, version in terms of snorm.

In a locally compact space, any function in ℒp can be approximated by compactly supported continuous functions when 0 < p < ∞, version in terms of .

In a locally compact space, any integrable function can be approximated by compactly supported continuous functions, version in terms of ∫⁻.

In a locally compact space, any integrable function can be approximated by compactly supported continuous functions, version in terms of .

Any function in ℒp can be approximated by bounded continuous functions when p < ∞, version in terms of snorm.

Any function in ℒp can be approximated by bounded continuous functions when 0 < p < ∞, version in terms of .

Any integrable function can be approximated by bounded continuous functions, version in terms of ∫⁻.

Any integrable function can be approximated by bounded continuous functions, version in terms of .