The structure of the k[G]
-module k[Gⁿ]
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This file contains facts about an important k[G]
-module structure on k[Gⁿ]
, where k
is a
commutative ring and G
is a group. The module structure arises from the representation
G →* End(k[Gⁿ])
induced by the diagonal action of G
on Gⁿ.
In particular, we define an isomorphism of k
-linear G
-representations between k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
k[G] ⊗ₖ k[Gⁿ]
(on which G
acts by ρ(g₁)(g₂ ⊗ x) = (g₁ * g₂) ⊗ x
This allows us to define a k[G]
-basis on k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
, by mapping the natural k[G]
-basis of
k[G] ⊗ₖ k[Gⁿ]
along the isomorphism.
We then define the standard resolution of k
as a trivial representation, by
taking the alternating face map complex associated to an appropriate simplicial k
-representation. This simplicial object is the linearization
of the simplicial G
-set given
by the universal cover of the classifying space of G
, EG
. We prove this simplicial G
-set EG
is isomorphic to the Čech nerve of the natural arrow of G
-sets G ⟶ {pt}
We then use this isomorphism to deduce that as a complex of k
-modules, the standard resolution
of k
as a trivial G
-representation is homotopy equivalent to the complex with k
at 0 and 0
Putting this material together allows us to define group_cohomology.ProjectiveResolution
, the
standard projective resolution of k
as a trivial k
-linear G
Main definitions #
Implementation notes #
We express k[G]
-module structures on a module k
-module V
using the representation
definition. We avoid using instances module (G →₀ k) V
so that we do not run into possible
scalar action diamonds.
We also use the category theory library to bundle the type k[Gⁿ]
- or more generally k[H]
has G
-action - and the representation together, as a term of type Rep k G
, and call it
Rep.of_mul_action k G H.
This enables us to express the fact that certain maps are
-equivariant by constructing morphisms in the category Rep k G
, i.e., representations of G
over k
An isomorphism of G
-sets Gⁿ⁺¹ ≅ G × Gⁿ
, where G
acts by left multiplication on Gⁿ⁺¹
but trivially on Gⁿ
. The map sends (g₀, ..., gₙ) ↦ (g₀, (g₀⁻¹g₁, g₁⁻¹g₂, ..., gₙ₋₁⁻¹gₙ))
and the inverse is (g₀, (g₁, ..., gₙ)) ↦ (g₀, g₀g₁, g₀g₁g₂, ..., g₀g₁...gₙ).
- group_cohomology.resolution.Action_diagonal_succ G (n + 1) = Action.diagonal_succ G (n + 1) ≪≫ (category_theory.iso.refl (Action.left_regular G) ⊗ group_cohomology.resolution.Action_diagonal_succ G n) ≪≫ Action.left_regular_tensor_iso G (Action.left_regular G ⊗ {V := fin n → G, ρ := 1}) ≪≫ (category_theory.iso.refl (Action.left_regular G) ⊗ Action.mk_iso (equiv.pi_fin_succ_above_equiv (λ (j : fin (n + 1)), G) 0).symm.to_iso _)
- group_cohomology.resolution.Action_diagonal_succ G 0 = Action.diagonal_one_iso_left_regular G ≪≫ (ρ_ (Action.left_regular G)).symm ≪≫ (category_theory.iso.refl (Action.left_regular G) ⊗ Action.tensor_unit_iso (equiv.equiv_of_unique punit (fin 0 → G)).to_iso)
An isomorphism of k
-linear representations of G
from k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
to k[G] ⊗ₖ k[Gⁿ]
which G
acts by ρ(g₁)(g₂ ⊗ x) = (g₁ * g₂) ⊗ x
) sending (g₀, ..., gₙ)
g₀ ⊗ (g₀⁻¹g₁, g₁⁻¹g₂, ..., gₙ₋₁⁻¹gₙ)
. The inverse sends g₀ ⊗ (g₁, ..., gₙ)
(g₀, g₀g₁, ..., g₀g₁...gₙ)
- group_cohomology.resolution.diagonal_succ k G n = (Rep.linearization k G).to_lax_monoidal_functor.to_functor.map_iso (group_cohomology.resolution.Action_diagonal_succ G n) ≪≫ (category_theory.as_iso ((Rep.linearization k G).to_lax_monoidal_functor.μ (Action.left_regular G) {V := fin n → G, ρ := 1})).symm ≪≫ (category_theory.iso.refl ((Rep.linearization k G).to_lax_monoidal_functor.to_functor.obj (Action.left_regular G)) ⊗ Rep.linearization_trivial_iso k G (fin n → G))
The k[G]
-linear isomorphism k[G] ⊗ₖ k[Gⁿ] ≃ k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
, where the k[G]
-module structure on
the lefthand side is tensor_product.left_module
, whilst that of the righthand side comes from
. Allows us to use basis.algebra_tensor_product
to get a k[G]
of the righthand side.
- group_cohomology.resolution.of_mul_action_basis_aux k G n = {to_fun := (Rep.equivalence_Module_monoid_algebra.functor.map_iso (group_cohomology.resolution.diagonal_succ k G n).symm).to_linear_equiv.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := (Rep.equivalence_Module_monoid_algebra.functor.map_iso (group_cohomology.resolution.diagonal_succ k G n).symm).to_linear_equiv.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
A k[G]
-basis of k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
, coming from the k[G]
-linear isomorphism
k[G] ⊗ₖ k[Gⁿ] ≃ k[Gⁿ⁺¹].
- group_cohomology.resolution.of_mul_action_basis k G n = (algebra.tensor_product.basis (monoid_algebra k G) {repr := linear_equiv.refl k ((fin n → G) →₀ k) (finsupp.module (fin n → G) k)}).map (group_cohomology.resolution.of_mul_action_basis_aux k G n)
Given a k
-linear G
-representation A
, the set of representation morphisms
Hom(k[Gⁿ⁺¹], A)
is k
-linearly isomorphic to the set of functions Gⁿ → A
- Rep.diagonal_hom_equiv n A = ((category_theory.linear.hom_congr k (group_cohomology.resolution.diagonal_succ k G n ≪≫ (representation.of_mul_action k G G).Rep_of_tprod_iso 1) (category_theory.iso.refl A)).trans ((Rep.monoidal_closed.linear_hom_equiv_comm (Rep.of_mul_action k G G) (Rep.of (Rep.trivial k G ((fin n → G) →₀ k)).ρ) A).trans ((category_theory.ihom (Rep.of (Rep.trivial k G ((fin n → G) →₀ k)).ρ)).obj A).left_regular_hom_equiv)).trans (finsupp.llift ↥A k k (fin n → G)).symm
Given a k
-linear G
-representation A
, diagonal_hom_equiv
is a k
-linear isomorphism of
the set of representation morphisms Hom(k[Gⁿ⁺¹], A)
with Fun(Gⁿ, A)
. This lemma says that this
sends a morphism of representations f : k[Gⁿ⁺¹] ⟶ A
to the function
(g₁, ..., gₙ) ↦ f(1, g₁, g₁g₂, ..., g₁g₂...gₙ).
Given a k
-linear G
-representation A
, diagonal_hom_equiv
is a k
-linear isomorphism of
the set of representation morphisms Hom(k[Gⁿ⁺¹], A)
with Fun(Gⁿ, A)
. This lemma says that the
inverse map sends a function f : Gⁿ → A
to the representation morphism sending
(g₀, ... gₙ) ↦ ρ(g₀)(f(g₀⁻¹g₁, g₁⁻¹g₂, ..., gₙ₋₁⁻¹gₙ))
, where ρ
is the representation attached
to A
Auxiliary lemma for defining group cohomology, used to show that the isomorphism
commutes with the differentials in two complexes which compute
group cohomology.
The simplicial G
-set sending [n]
to Gⁿ⁺¹
equipped with the diagonal action of G
- classifying_space_universal_cover G = {obj := λ (n : simplex_categoryᵒᵖ), Action.of_mul_action G (fin ((opposite.unop n).len + 1) → G), map := λ (m n : simplex_categoryᵒᵖ) (f : m ⟶ n), {hom := λ (x : (Action.of_mul_action G (fin ((opposite.unop m).len + 1) → G)).V), x ∘ ⇑(simplex_category.hom.to_order_hom f.unop), comm' := _}, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
When the category is G
-Set, cech_nerve_terminal_from
of G
with the left regular action is
isomorphic to EG
, the universal cover of the classifying space of G
as a simplicial G
As a simplicial set, cech_nerve_terminal_from
of a monoid G
is isomorphic to the universal
cover of the classifying space of G
as a simplicial set.
The universal cover of the classifying space of G
as a simplicial set, augmented by the map
from fin 1 → G
to the terminal object in Type u
- classifying_space_universal_cover.comp_forget_augmented G = category_theory.simplicial_object.augment (classifying_space_universal_cover G ⋙ category_theory.forget (Action (Type u) (Mon.of G))) (⊤_ Type u) (category_theory.limits.terminal.from ((classifying_space_universal_cover G ⋙ category_theory.forget (Action (Type u) (Mon.of G))).obj (opposite.op ( 0)))) _
The augmented Čech nerve of the map from fin 1 → G
to the terminal object in Type u
has an
extra degeneracy.
- classifying_space_universal_cover.extra_degeneracy_augmented_cech_nerve G = category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_nerve.extra_degeneracy ( (category_theory.limits.terminal.from G)) {section_ := λ (x : (𝟭 (Type u)).obj ( (category_theory.limits.terminal.from G)).right), 1, id' := _}
The universal cover of the classifying space of G
as a simplicial set, augmented by the map
from fin 1 → G
to the terminal object in Type u
, has an extra degeneracy.
- classifying_space_universal_cover.extra_degeneracy_comp_forget_augmented G = simplicial_object.augmented.extra_degeneracy.of_iso (category_theory.comma.iso_mk (category_theory.cech_nerve_terminal_from.iso G ≪≫ classifying_space_universal_cover.cech_nerve_terminal_from_iso_comp_forget G) (category_theory.iso.refl ( (category_theory.limits.terminal.from G)).augmented_cech_nerve.right) _) (classifying_space_universal_cover.extra_degeneracy_augmented_cech_nerve G)
The free functor Type u ⥤ Module.{u} k
applied to the universal cover of the classifying
space of G
as a simplicial set, augmented by the map from fin 1 → G
to the terminal object
in Type u
If we augment the universal cover of the classifying space of G
as a simplicial set by the
map from fin 1 → G
to the terminal object in Type u
, then apply the free functor
Type u ⥤ Module.{u} k
, the resulting augmented simplicial k
-module has an extra degeneracy.
The standard resolution of k
as a trivial representation, defined as the alternating
face map complex of a simplicial k
-linear G
The k
-linear map underlying the differential in the standard resolution of k
as a trivial
-linear G
-representation. It sends (g₀, ..., gₙ) ↦ ∑ (-1)ⁱ • (g₀, ..., ĝᵢ, ..., gₙ)
- group_cohomology.resolution.d k G n = ⇑(finsupp.lift ((fin n → G) →₀ k) k (fin (n + 1) → G)) (λ (g : fin (n + 1) → G), finset.univ.sum (λ (p : fin (n + 1)), finsupp.single (g ∘ ⇑(p.succ_above)) ((-1) ^ ↑p)))
The n
th object of the standard resolution of k
is definitionally isomorphic to k[Gⁿ⁺¹]
equipped with the representation induced by the diagonal action of G
Simpler expression for the differential in the standard resolution of k
as a
-representation. It sends (g₀, ..., gₙ₊₁) ↦ ∑ (-1)ⁱ • (g₀, ..., ĝᵢ, ..., gₙ₊₁)
The standard resolution of k
as a trivial representation as a complex of k
If we apply the free functor Type u ⥤ Module.{u} k
to the universal cover of the classifying
space of G
as a simplicial set, then take the alternating face map complex, the result is
isomorphic to the standard resolution of the trivial G
-representation k
as a complex of
As a complex of k
-modules, the standard resolution of the trivial G
-representation k
homotopy equivalent to the complex which is k
at 0 and 0 elsewhere.
- group_cohomology.resolution.forget₂_to_Module_homotopy_equiv k G = (homotopy_equiv.of_iso (group_cohomology.resolution.comp_forget_augmented_iso k G).symm).trans ((classifying_space_universal_cover.extra_degeneracy_comp_forget_augmented_to_Module k G).homotopy_equiv.trans (homotopy_equiv.of_iso ((chain_complex.single₀ (Module k)).map_iso (finsupp.linear_equiv.finsupp_unique k k (⊤_ Type u)).to_Module_iso)))
The hom of k
-linear G
-representations k[G¹] → k
sending ∑ nᵢgᵢ ↦ ∑ nᵢ
- group_cohomology.resolution.ε k G = {hom := (fin 1 → G) ↥((Rep.trivial k G k).V) k (λ (f : fin 1 → G), 1), comm' := _}
The homotopy equivalence of complexes of k
-modules between the standard resolution of k
a trivial G
-representation, and the complex which is k
at 0 and 0 everywhere else, acts as
∑ nᵢgᵢ ↦ ∑ nᵢ : k[G¹] → k
at 0.
The chain map from the standard resolution of k
to k[0]
given by ∑ nᵢgᵢ ↦ ∑ nᵢ
degree zero.
- group_cohomology.resolution.ε_to_single₀ k G = ⇑(((group_cohomology.resolution k G).to_single₀_equiv (Rep.trivial k G k)).symm) ⟨group_cohomology.resolution.ε k G _inst_2, _⟩
Instances for group_cohomology.resolution.ε_to_single₀
The standard projective resolution of k
as a trivial k
-linear G
Given a k
-linear G
-representation V
, Extⁿ(k, V)
(where k
is a trivial k
-representation) is isomorphic to the n
th cohomology group of Hom(P, V)
, where P
is the
standard resolution of k
called group_cohomology.resolution k G
- group_cohomology.Ext_iso k G V n = let this : opposite.unop ((((category_theory.linear_yoneda k (Rep k G)).obj V).right_op.left_derived n).obj (Rep.trivial k G k)) ≅ opposite.unop ((homology_functor (Module k)ᵒᵖ (complex_shape.down ℕ) n).obj ((((category_theory.linear_yoneda k (Rep k G)).obj V).right_op.map_homological_complex (complex_shape.down ℕ)).obj (group_cohomology.ProjectiveResolution k G).complex)) := (((category_theory.linear_yoneda k (Rep k G)).obj V).right_op.left_derived_obj_iso n (group_cohomology.ProjectiveResolution k G)).unop.symm in this