Schwartz space #
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This file defines the Schwartz space. Usually, the Schwartz space is defined as the set of smooth
functions $f : ℝ^n → ℂ$ such that there exists $C_{αβ} > 0$ with $$|x^α ∂^β f(x)| < C_{αβ}$$ for
all $x ∈ ℝ^n$ and for all multiindices $α, β$.
In mathlib, we use a slightly different approach and define define the Schwartz space as all
smooth functions f : E → F
, where E
and F
are real normed vector spaces such that for all
natural numbers k
and n
we have uniform bounds ‖x‖^k * ‖iterated_fderiv ℝ n f x‖ < C
This approach completely avoids using partial derivatives as well as polynomials.
We construct the topology on the Schwartz space by a family of seminorms, which are the best
constants in the above estimates. The abstract theory of topological vector spaces developed in
and with_seminorms.to_locally_convex_space
turns the
Schwartz space into a locally convex topological vector space.
Main definitions #
: The Schwartz space is the space of smooth functions such that all derivatives decay faster than any power of‖x‖
: The family of seminorms as described aboveschwartz_map.fderiv_clm
: The differential as a continuous linear map𝓢(E, F) →L[𝕜] 𝓢(E, E →L[ℝ] F)
: The one-dimensional derivative as a continuous linear map𝓢(ℝ, F) →L[𝕜] 𝓢(ℝ, F)
Main statements #
: The Schwartz space is a locally convex topological vector space.schwartz_map.one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply
: For a Schwartz functionf
there is a uniform bound on(1 + ‖x‖) ^ k * ‖iterated_fderiv ℝ n f x‖
Implementation details #
The implementation of the seminorms is taken almost literally from continuous_linear_map.op_norm
Notation #
𝓢(E, F)
: The Schwartz spaceschwartz_map E F
localized inschwartz_space
Tags #
Schwartz space, tempered distributions
- to_fun : E → F
- smooth' : cont_diff ℝ ⊤ self.to_fun
- decay' : ∀ (k n : ℕ), ∃ (C : ℝ), ∀ (x : E), ‖x‖ ^ k * ‖iterated_fderiv ℝ n self.to_fun x‖ ≤ C
A function is a Schwartz function if it is smooth and all derivatives decay faster than
any power of ‖x‖
Instances for schwartz_map
- schwartz_map.has_sizeof_inst
- schwartz_map.pi.has_coe
- schwartz_map.fun_like
- schwartz_map.has_coe_to_fun
- schwartz_map.has_smul
- schwartz_map.is_scalar_tower
- schwartz_map.smul_comm_class
- schwartz_map.has_nsmul
- schwartz_map.has_zsmul
- schwartz_map.has_zero
- schwartz_map.inhabited
- schwartz_map.has_neg
- schwartz_map.has_add
- schwartz_map.has_sub
- schwartz_map.add_comm_group
- schwartz_map.module
- schwartz_map.topological_space
- schwartz_map.has_continuous_smul
- schwartz_map.topological_add_group
- schwartz_map.uniform_space
- schwartz_map.uniform_add_group
- schwartz_map.locally_convex_space
- schwartz_map.topological_space.first_countable_topology
- schwartz_map.pi.has_coe = {coe := schwartz_map.to_fun _inst_4}
- schwartz_map.fun_like = {coe := λ (f : schwartz_map E F), f.to_fun, coe_injective' := _}
Helper instance for when there's too many metavariables to apply fun_like.has_coe_to_fun
- schwartz_map.has_coe_to_fun = {coe := λ (p : schwartz_map E F), p.to_fun}
All derivatives of a Schwartz function are rapidly decaying.
Every Schwartz function is smooth.
Every Schwartz function is continuous.
Every Schwartz function is differentiable.
Every Schwartz function is differentiable at any point.
Auxiliary lemma, used in proving the more general result is_O_cocompact_zpow
Helper definition for the seminorms of the Schwartz space.
If one controls the norm of every A x
, then one controls the norm of A
Algebraic properties #
- schwartz_map.inhabited = {default := 0}
- schwartz_map.add_comm_group = function.injective.add_comm_group coe_fn schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_1 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_2 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_3 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_4 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_5 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_6 schwartz_map.add_comm_group._proof_7
Coercion as an additive homomorphism.
- schwartz_map.coe_hom E F = {to_fun := λ (f : schwartz_map E F), ⇑f, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}
- schwartz_map.module = function.injective.module 𝕜 (schwartz_map.coe_hom E F) schwartz_map.coe_hom_injective schwartz_map.module._proof_1
Seminorms on Schwartz space #
The seminorms of the Schwartz space given by the best constants in the definition of
𝓢(E, F)
- schwartz_map.seminorm 𝕜 k n = seminorm.of_smul_le (schwartz_map.seminorm_aux k n) _ _ _
If one controls the seminorm for every x
, then one controls the seminorm.
If one controls the seminorm for every x
, then one controls the seminorm.
Variant for functions 𝓢(ℝ, F)
The seminorm controls the Schwartz estimate for any fixed x
The seminorm controls the Schwartz estimate for any fixed x
Variant for functions 𝓢(ℝ, F)
The family of Schwartz seminorms.
- schwartz_seminorm_family 𝕜 E F = λ (m : ℕ × ℕ), schwartz_map.seminorm 𝕜 m.fst m.snd
A more convenient version of le_sup_seminorm_apply
The set finset.Iic m
is the set of all pairs (k', n')
with k' ≤ m.1
and n' ≤ m.2
Note that the constant is far from optimal.
The topology on the Schwartz space #
Functions of temperate growth #
A function is called of temperate growth if it is smooth and all iterated derivatives are polynomially bounded.
Construction of continuous linear maps between Schwartz spaces #
Create a semilinear map between Schwartz spaces.
Note: This is a helper definition for mk_clm
Create a continuous semilinear map between Schwartz spaces.
For an example of using this definition, see fderiv_clm
- schwartz_map.mk_clm A hadd hsmul hsmooth hbound = {to_linear_map := schwartz_map.mk_lm A hadd hsmul hsmooth hbound, cont := _}
The map applying a vector to Hom-valued Schwartz function as a continuous linear map.
- schwartz_map.eval_clm m = schwartz_map.mk_clm (λ (f : E → (E →L[ℝ] F)) (x : E), ⇑(f x) m) _ _ _ _
The map f ↦ (x ↦ B (f x) (g x))
as a continuous 𝕜
-linear map on Schwartz space,
where B
is a continuous 𝕜
-linear map and g
is a function of temperate growth.
- schwartz_map.bilin_left_clm B hg = schwartz_map.mk_clm (λ (f : D → E) (x : D), ⇑(⇑B (f x)) (g x)) _ _ _ _
Composition with a function on the right is a continuous linear map on Schwartz space provided that the function is temperate and growths polynomially near infinity.
- schwartz_map.comp_clm 𝕜 hg hg_upper = schwartz_map.mk_clm (λ (f : E → F) (x : D), f (g x)) schwartz_map.comp_clm._proof_2 _ _ _
Derivatives of Schwartz functions #
The Fréchet derivative on Schwartz space as a continuous 𝕜
-linear map.
- schwartz_map.fderiv_clm 𝕜 = schwartz_map.mk_clm (fderiv ℝ) schwartz_map.fderiv_clm._proof_12 _ schwartz_map.fderiv_clm._proof_14 _
The 1-dimensional derivative on Schwartz space as a continuous 𝕜
-linear map.
- schwartz_map.deriv_clm 𝕜 = schwartz_map.mk_clm (λ (f : ℝ → F), deriv f) schwartz_map.deriv_clm._proof_2 _ schwartz_map.deriv_clm._proof_4 _
The partial derivative (or directional derivative) in the direction m : E
as a
continuous linear map on Schwartz space.
The iterated partial derivative (or directional derivative) as a continuous linear map on Schwartz space.
- schwartz_map.iterated_pderiv 𝕜 = n.rec_on (λ (x : fin 0 → E), 𝕜 (schwartz_map E F)) (λ (n : ℕ) (rec : (fin n → E) → (schwartz_map E F →L[𝕜] schwartz_map E F)) (x : fin n.succ → E), (schwartz_map.pderiv_clm 𝕜 (x 0)).comp (rec (fin.tail x)))
Inclusion into the space of bounded continuous functions #
Schwartz functions as bounded continuous functions
Schwartz functions as continuous functions
The inclusion map from Schwartz functions to bounded continuous functions as a linear map.
- schwartz_map.to_bounded_continuous_function_lm 𝕜 E F = {to_fun := λ (f : schwartz_map E F), f.to_bounded_continuous_function, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
The inclusion map from Schwartz functions to bounded continuous functions as a continuous linear map.
- schwartz_map.to_bounded_continuous_function_clm 𝕜 E F = {to_linear_map := {to_fun := (schwartz_map.to_bounded_continuous_function_lm 𝕜 E F).to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}, cont := _}
The Dirac delta distribution