Multiplication by ·positive· elements is monotonic #
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Let α
be a type with <
and 0
. We use the type {x : α // 0 < x}
of positive elements of α
to prove results about monotonicity of multiplication. We also introduce the local notation α>0
for the subtype {x : α // 0 < x}
If the type α
also has a multiplication, then we combine this with (contravariant_
es to assume that multiplication by positive elements is (strictly) monotone on a
, monoid_with_zero
More specifically, we use extensively the following typeclasses:
- monotone left
covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (≤)
, abbreviatedpos_mul_mono α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is monotone;
covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (<)
, abbreviatedpos_mul_strict_mono α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is strictly monotone;
- monotone right
covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (≤)
, abbreviatedmul_pos_mono α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is monotone;
covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (<)
, abbreviatedmul_pos_strict_mono α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is strictly monotone.
- reverse monotone left
contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (≤)
, abbreviatedpos_mul_mono_rev α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is reverse monotone;
contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (<)
, abbreviatedpos_mul_reflect_lt α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is strictly reverse monotone;
- reverse reverse monotone right
contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (≤)
, abbreviatedmul_pos_mono_rev α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is reverse monotone;
contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (<)
, abbreviatedmul_pos_reflect_lt α
, expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is strictly reverse monotone.
Notation #
The following is local notation in this file:
:{x : α // 0 ≤ x}
:{x : α // 0 < x}
pos_mul_mono α
is an abbreviation for covariant_class α≥0 α (λ x y, x * y) (≤)
expressing that multiplication by nonnegative elements on the left is monotone.
mul_pos_mono α
is an abbreviation for covariant_class α≥0 α (λ x y, y * x) (≤)
expressing that multiplication by nonnegative elements on the right is monotone.
pos_mul_strict_mono α
is an abbreviation for covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (<)
expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is strictly monotone.
mul_pos_strict_mono α
is an abbreviation for covariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (<)
expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is strictly monotone.
pos_mul_reflect_lt α
is an abbreviation for contravariant_class α≥0 α (λ x y, x * y) (<)
expressing that multiplication by nonnegative elements on the left is strictly reverse monotone.
mul_pos_reflect_lt α
is an abbreviation for contravariant_class α≥0 α (λ x y, y * x) (<)
expressing that multiplication by nonnegative elements on the right is strictly reverse monotone.
pos_mul_mono_rev α
is an abbreviation for contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, x * y) (≤)
expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the left is reverse monotone.
mul_pos_mono_rev α
is an abbreviation for contravariant_class α>0 α (λ x y, y * x) (≤)
expressing that multiplication by positive elements on the right is reverse monotone.
Alias of lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left
Alias of lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right
Alias of le_of_mul_le_mul_left
Alias of le_of_mul_le_mul_right
Assumes left covariance.
Alias of left.mul_pos
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes left covariance.
Alias of left.mul_nonneg
Assumes right covariance.
Lemmas of the form a ≤ a * b ↔ 1 ≤ b
and a * b ≤ a ↔ b ≤ 1
which assume left covariance.
Lemmas of the form a ≤ b * a ↔ 1 ≤ b
and a * b ≤ b ↔ a ≤ 1
which assume right covariance.
Lemmas of the form 1 ≤ b → a ≤ a * b
Variants with < 0
and ≤ 0
instead of 0 <
and 0 ≤
appear in algebra/order/ring/defs
imports this file) as they need additional results which are not yet available here.
Lemmas of the form b ≤ c → a ≤ 1 → b * a ≤ c
Assumes left covariance.
Assumes left covariance.
Assumes left covariance.
Lemmas of the form b ≤ c → 1 ≤ a → b ≤ c * a
Assumes left covariance.
Assumes left covariance.
Assumes left covariance.
Lemmas of the form a ≤ 1 → b ≤ c → a * b ≤ c
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes right covariance.
Lemmas of the form 1 ≤ a → b ≤ c → b ≤ a * c
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes right covariance.
Assumes right covariance.