mathlib3 documentation


Hofer's lemma #

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This is an elementary lemma about complete metric spaces. It is motivated by an application to the bubbling-off analysis for holomorphic curves in symplectic topology. We are very far away from having these applications, but the proof here is a nice example of a proof needing to construct a sequence by induction in the middle of the proof.

References: #

theorem pos_div_pow_pos {α : Type u_1} [linear_ordered_semifield α] {a b : α} (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) (k : ) :
0 < a / b ^ k
theorem hofer {X : Type u_1} [metric_space X] [complete_space X] (x : X) (ε : ) (ε_pos : 0 < ε) {ϕ : X } (cont : continuous ϕ) (nonneg : (y : X), 0 ϕ y) :
(ε' : ) (H : ε' > 0) (x' : X), ε' ε has_dist.dist x' x 2 * ε ε * ϕ x ε' * ϕ x' (y : X), has_dist.dist x' y ε' ϕ y 2 * ϕ x'