mathlib3 documentation


Lemmas about exp on quaternions #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

This file contains results about exp on quaternion.

Main results #

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem quaternion.exp_coe (r : ) :
theorem quaternion.has_sum_exp_series_of_imaginary {q : quaternion } (hq : = 0) {c s : } (hc : has_sum (λ (n : ), (-1) ^ n * q ^ (2 * n) / ((2 * n).factorial)) c) (hs : has_sum (λ (n : ), (-1) ^ n * q ^ (2 * n + 1) / ((2 * n + 1).factorial)) s) :
has_sum (λ (n : ), (exp_series (quaternion ) n) (λ (_x : fin n), q)) (c + (s / q) q)

Auxiliary result; if the power series corresponding to real.cos and real.sin evaluated at ‖q‖ tend to c and s, then the exponential series tends to c + (s / ‖q‖).

The closed form for the quaternion exponential on imaginary quaternions.

The closed form for the quaternion exponential on arbitrary quaternions.


Note that this implies that exponentials of pure imaginary quaternions are unit quaternions since in that case the RHS is 1 via exp_zero and norm_one.