mathlib3 documentation

Nim and the Sprague-Grundy theorem #

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This file contains the definition for nim for any ordinal o. In the game of nim o₁ both players may move to nim o₂ for any o₂ < o₁. We also define a Grundy value for an impartial game G and prove the Sprague-Grundy theorem, that G is equivalent to nim (grundy_value G). Finally, we compute the sum of finite Grundy numbers: if G and H have Grundy values n and m, where n and m are natural numbers, then G + H has the Grundy value n xor m.

Implementation details #

The pen-and-paper definition of nim defines the possible moves of nim o to be set.Iio o. However, this definition does not work for us because it would make the type of nim ordinal.{u} → pgame.{u + 1}, which would make it impossible for us to state the Sprague-Grundy theorem, since that requires the type of nim to be ordinal.{u} → pgame.{u}. For this reason, we instead use o.out.α for the possible moves. You can use to_left_moves_nim and to_right_moves_nim to convert an ordinal less than o into a left or right move of nim o, and vice versa.

The definition of single-heap nim, which can be viewed as a pile of stones where each player can take a positive number of stones from it on their turn.

Instances for pgame.nim
noncomputable def pgame.to_left_moves_nim {o : ordinal} :

Turns an ordinal less than o into a left move for nim o and viceversa.


Turns an ordinal less than o into a right move for nim o and viceversa.

def pgame.left_moves_nim_rec_on {o : ordinal} {P : (pgame.nim o).left_moves Sort u_2} (i : (pgame.nim o).left_moves) (H : Π (a : ordinal) (H : a < o), P (pgame.to_left_moves_nim a, H⟩)) :
P i

A recursion principle for left moves of a nim game.

def pgame.right_moves_nim_rec_on {o : ordinal} {P : (pgame.nim o).right_moves Sort u_2} (i : (pgame.nim o).right_moves) (H : Π (a : ordinal) (H : a < o), P (pgame.to_right_moves_nim a, H⟩)) :
P i

A recursion principle for right moves of a nim game.

noncomputable def pgame.nim_zero_relabelling  :

nim 0 has exactly the same moves as 0.

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
theorem pgame.nim_birthday (o : ordinal) :
theorem pgame.neg_nim (o : ordinal) :
@[protected, instance]
theorem pgame.nim_fuzzy_zero_of_ne_zero {o : ordinal} (ho : o 0) :
theorem pgame.nim_add_equiv_zero_iff (o₁ o₂ : ordinal) :
(pgame.nim o₁ + pgame.nim o₂).equiv 0 o₁ = o₂
theorem pgame.nim_add_fuzzy_zero_iff {o₁ o₂ : ordinal} :
(pgame.nim o₁ + pgame.nim o₂).fuzzy 0 o₁ o₂
theorem pgame.nim_equiv_iff_eq {o₁ o₂ : ordinal} :
(pgame.nim o₁).equiv (pgame.nim o₂) o₁ = o₂
noncomputable def pgame.grundy_value (G : pgame) :

The Grundy value of an impartial game, the ordinal which corresponds to the game of nim that the game is equivalent to


The Sprague-Grundy theorem which states that every impartial game is equivalent to a game of nim, namely the game of nim corresponding to the games Grundy value


The Grundy value of the sum of two nim games with natural numbers of piles equals their bitwise xor.

theorem pgame.grundy_value_add (G H : pgame) [G.impartial] [H.impartial] {n m : } (hG : G.grundy_value = n) (hH : H.grundy_value = m) :
(G + H).grundy_value = (n.lxor m)