mathlib3 documentation


Adjunctions related to the over category #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

Construct the left adjoint star X to over.forget X : over X ⥤ C.


Show star X itself has a left adjoint provided C is locally cartesian closed.

The functor from C to over X which sends Y : C to π₁ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X, sometimes denoted X*.


The functor over.forget X : over X ⥤ C has a right adjoint given by star X.

Note that the binary products assumption is necessary: the existence of a right adjoint to over.forget X is equivalent to the existence of each binary product X ⨯ -.

@[protected, instance]

Note that the binary products assumption is necessary: the existence of a right adjoint to over.forget X is equivalent to the existence of each binary product X ⨯ -.
