Products and coproducts in the category of topological spaces #
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The explicit fan of a family of topological spaces given by the pi type.
- Top.pi_fan α = (Top.of (Π (i : ι), ↥(α i))) (Top.pi_π α)
The constructed fan is indeed a limit
- Top.pi_fan_is_limit α = {lift := λ (S : category_theory.limits.cone (category_theory.discrete.functor α)), {to_fun := λ (s : ↥(S.X)) (i : ι), ⇑(S.π.app {as := i}) s, continuous_to_fun := _}, fac' := _, uniq' := _}
The product is homeomorphic to the product of the underlying spaces, equipped with the product topology.
The explicit cofan of a family of topological spaces given by the sigma type.
- Top.sigma_cofan α = (Top.of (Σ (i : ι), ↥(α i))) (Top.sigma_ι α)
The constructed cofan is indeed a colimit
- Top.sigma_cofan_is_colimit α = {desc := λ (S : category_theory.limits.cocone (category_theory.discrete.functor α)), {to_fun := λ (s : ↥((Top.sigma_cofan α).X)), ⇑(S.ι.app {as := s.fst}) s.snd, continuous_to_fun := _}, fac' := _, uniq' := _}
The coproduct is homeomorphic to the disjoint union of the topological spaces.
The explicit binary cofan of X, Y
given by X × Y
The constructed binary fan is indeed a limit
The homeomorphism between X ⨯ Y
and the set-theoretic product of X
and Y
equipped with the product topology.
The binary coproduct cofan in Top
- X.binary_cofan Y = {to_fun := sum.inl ↥Y, continuous_to_fun := _} {to_fun := sum.inr ↥Y, continuous_to_fun := _}
The constructed binary coproduct cofan in Top
is the coproduct.
- X.binary_cofan_is_colimit Y = category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.is_colimit_mk (λ (s : category_theory.limits.binary_cofan X Y), {to_fun := sum.elim ⇑(s.inl) ⇑(s.inr), continuous_to_fun := _}) _ _ _