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Topological Kőnig's lemma #

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A topological version of Kőnig's lemma is that the inverse limit of nonempty compact Hausdorff spaces is nonempty. (Note: this can be generalized further to inverse limits of nonempty compact T0 spaces, where all the maps are closed maps; see [Sto79] --- however there is an erratum for Theorem 4 that the element in the inverse limit can have cofinally many components that are not closed points.)

We give this in a more general form, which is that cofiltered limits of nonempty compact Hausdorff spaces are nonempty (nonempty_limit_cone_of_compact_t2_cofiltered_system).

This also applies to inverse limits, where {J : Type u} [preorder J] [is_directed J (≤)] and F : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ Top.

The theorem is specialized to nonempty finite types (which are compact Hausdorff with the discrete topology) in lemmas nonempty_sections_of_finite_cofiltered_system and nonempty_sections_of_finite_inverse_system in the file category_theory.cofiltered_system.

(See for the Set version.)

def Top.partial_sections {J : Type u} [category_theory.small_category J] (F : J Top) {G : finset J} (H : finset (finite_diagram_arrow G)) :
set (Π (j : J), (F.obj j))

Partial sections of a cofiltered limit are sections when restricted to a finite subset of objects and morphisms of J.

theorem Top.partial_sections.nonempty {J : Type u} [category_theory.small_category J] (F : J Top) [category_theory.is_cofiltered_or_empty J] [h : (j : J), nonempty (F.obj j)] {G : finset J} (H : finset (finite_diagram_arrow G)) :
theorem Top.partial_sections.closed {J : Type u} [category_theory.small_category J] (F : J Top) [ (j : J), t2_space (F.obj j)] {G : finset J} (H : finset (finite_diagram_arrow G)) :

Cofiltered limits of nonempty compact Hausdorff spaces are nonempty topological spaces.