mathlib3 documentation


The canonical topology on a category #

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We define the finest (largest) Grothendieck topology for which a given presheaf P is a sheaf. This is well defined since if P is a sheaf for a topology J, then it is a sheaf for any coarser (smaller) topology. Nonetheless we define the topology explicitly by specifying its sieves: A sieve S on X is covering for finest_topology_single P iff for any f : Y ⟶ X, P satisfies the sheaf axiom for S.pullback f. Showing that this is a genuine Grothendieck topology (namely that it satisfies the transitivity axiom) forms the bulk of this file.

This generalises to a set of presheaves, giving the topology finest_topology Ps which is the finest topology for which every presheaf in Ps is a sheaf. Using Ps as the set of representable presheaves defines the canonical_topology: the finest topology for which every representable is a sheaf.

A Grothendieck topology is called subcanonical if it is smaller than the canonical topology, equivalently it is subcanonical iff every representable presheaf is a sheaf.

References #

theorem category_theory.sheaf.is_sheaf_for_bind {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X : C} (P : Cᵒᵖ Type v) (U : category_theory.sieve X) (B : Π ⦃Y : C⦄ ⦃f : Y X⦄, U f category_theory.sieve Y) (hU : category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for P U) (hB : ⦃Y : C⦄ ⦃f : Y X⦄ (hf : U f), category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for P (B hf)) (hB' : ⦃Y : C⦄ ⦃f : Y X⦄ (h : U f) ⦃Z : C⦄ (g : Z Y), category_theory.presieve.is_separated_for P (category_theory.sieve.pullback g (B h))) :

To show P is a sheaf for the binding of U with B, it suffices to show that P is a sheaf for U, that P is a sheaf for each sieve in B, and that it is separated for any pullback of any sieve in B.

This is mostly an auxiliary lemma to show is_sheaf_for_trans. Adapted from [Joh02], Lemma C2.1.7(i) with suggestions as mentioned in

Given two sieves R and S, to show that P is a sheaf for S, we can show:

  • P is a sheaf for R
  • P is a sheaf for the pullback of S along any arrow in R
  • P is separated for the pullback of R along any arrow in S.

This is mostly an auxiliary lemma to construct finest_topology. Adapted from [Joh02], Lemma C2.1.7(ii) with suggestions as mentioned in

Construct the finest (largest) Grothendieck topology for which the given presheaf is a sheaf.

This is a special case of, but following a different proof (see the comments there).


Construct the finest (largest) Grothendieck topology for which all the given presheaves are sheaves.

This is equal to the construction of


Check that if P ∈ Ps, then P is indeed a sheaf for the finest topology on Ps.

Check that if each P ∈ Ps is a sheaf for J, then J is a subtopology of finest_topology Ps.

A subcanonical topology is a topology which is smaller than the canonical topology. Equivalently, a topology is subcanonical iff every representable is a sheaf.
