Continuous additive maps are ℝ
-linear #
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In this file we prove that a continuous map f : E →+ F
between two topological vector spaces
over ℝ
is ℝ
A continuous additive map between two vector spaces over ℝ
is ℝ
Reinterpret a continuous additive homomorphism between two real vector spaces as a continuous real-linear map.
- f.to_real_linear_map hf = {to_linear_map := {to_fun := ⇑f, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}, cont := hf}
Reinterpret a continuous additive equivalence between two real vector spaces as a continuous real-linear map.
- e.to_real_linear_equiv h₁ h₂ = {to_linear_equiv := {to_fun := e.to_fun, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := e.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, continuous_to_fun := h₁, continuous_inv_fun := h₂}
A topological group carries at most one structure of a topological ℝ
-module, so for any
topological ℝ
-algebra A
(e.g. A = ℂ
) and any topological group that is both a topological
-module and a topological A
-module, these structures agree.