mathlib3 documentation


Division of add_monoid_algebra by monomials #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

This file is most important for when G = ℕ (polynomials) or G = σ →₀ ℕ (multivariate polynomials).

In order to apply in maximal generality (such as for laurent_polynomials), this uses ∃ d, g' = g + d in many places instead of g ≤ g'.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Implementation notes #

∃ d, g' = g + d is used as opposed to some other permutation up to commutativity in order to match the definition of semigroup_has_dvd. The results in this file could be duplicated for monoid_algebra by using g ∣ g', but this can't be done automatically, and in any case is not likely to be very useful.

noncomputable def add_monoid_algebra.div_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g : G) :

Divide by of' k G g, discarding terms not divisible by this.

theorem add_monoid_algebra.div_of_apply {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (g : G) (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g' : G) :
(x.div_of g) g' = x (g + g')
theorem add_monoid_algebra.zero_div_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (g : G) :
0.div_of g = 0
theorem add_monoid_algebra.div_of_zero {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) :
x.div_of 0 = x
theorem add_monoid_algebra.add_div_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x y : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g : G) :
(x + y).div_of g = x.div_of g + y.div_of g
theorem add_monoid_algebra.div_of_add {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (a b : G) :
x.div_of (a + b) = (x.div_of a).div_of b
theorem add_monoid_algebra.of'_div_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (a : G) :
noncomputable def add_monoid_algebra.mod_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g : G) :

The remainder upon division by of' k G g.

theorem add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_of_not_exists_add {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g g' : G) (h : ¬ (d : G), g' = g + d) :
(x.mod_of g) g' = x g'
theorem add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_of_exists_add {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g g' : G) (h : (d : G), g' = g + d) :
(x.mod_of g) g' = 0
theorem add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_add_self {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g d : G) :
(x.mod_of g) (d + g) = 0
theorem add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_self_add {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (x : add_monoid_algebra k G) (g d : G) :
(x.mod_of g) (g + d) = 0
theorem add_monoid_algebra.of'_mod_of {k : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [semiring k] [add_cancel_comm_monoid G] (g : G) :