mathlib3 documentation


Matrix results for barycentric co-ordinates #

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Results about the matrix of barycentric co-ordinates for a family of points in an affine space, with respect to some affine basis.

noncomputable def affine_basis.to_matrix {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) {ι' : Type u_1} (q : ι' P) :
matrix ι' ι k

Given an affine basis p, and a family of points q : ι' → P, this is the matrix whose rows are the barycentric coordinates of q with respect to p.

It is an affine equivalent of basis.to_matrix.

theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_apply {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) {ι' : Type u_1} (q : ι' P) (i : ι') (j : ι) :
b.to_matrix q i j = (b.coord j) (q i)
theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_self {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [decidable_eq ι] :
theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_row_sum_one {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [fintype ι] {ι' : Type u_1} (q : ι' P) (i : ι') :
finset.univ.sum (λ (j : ι), b.to_matrix q i j) = 1
theorem affine_basis.affine_independent_of_to_matrix_right_inv {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) {ι' : Type u_1} [fintype ι'] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι'] (p : ι' P) {A : matrix ι ι' k} (hA : (b.to_matrix p).mul A = 1) :

Given a family of points p : ι' → P and an affine basis b, if the matrix whose rows are the coordinates of p with respect b has a right inverse, then p is affine independent.

theorem affine_basis.affine_span_eq_top_of_to_matrix_left_inv {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) {ι' : Type u_1} [fintype ι'] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [nontrivial k] (p : ι' P) {A : matrix ι ι' k} (hA : A.mul (b.to_matrix p) = 1) :

Given a family of points p : ι' → P and an affine basis b, if the matrix whose rows are the coordinates of p with respect b has a left inverse, then p spans the entire space.

theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_vec_mul_coords {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [fintype ι] (b₂ : affine_basis ι k P) (x : P) :
matrix.vec_mul ((b₂.coords) x) (b.to_matrix b₂) = (b.coords) x

A change of basis formula for barycentric coordinates.

See also affine_basis.to_matrix_inv_mul_affine_basis_to_matrix.

theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [fintype ι] (b₂ : affine_basis ι k P) [decidable_eq ι] :
(b.to_matrix b₂).mul (b₂.to_matrix b) = 1
theorem affine_basis.is_unit_to_matrix {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [fintype ι] (b₂ : affine_basis ι k P) [decidable_eq ι] :
theorem affine_basis.is_unit_to_matrix_iff {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [ring k] [module k V] (b : affine_basis ι k P) [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [nontrivial k] (p : ι P) :
theorem affine_basis.to_matrix_inv_vec_mul_to_matrix {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [comm_ring k] [module k V] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] (b b₂ : affine_basis ι k P) (x : P) :

A change of basis formula for barycentric coordinates.

See also affine_basis.to_matrix_vec_mul_coords.

theorem affine_basis.det_smul_coords_eq_cramer_coords {ι : Type u₁} {k : Type u₂} {V : Type u₃} {P : Type u₄} [add_comm_group V] [add_torsor V P] [comm_ring k] [module k V] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] (b b₂ : affine_basis ι k P) (x : P) :
(b.to_matrix b₂).det (b₂.coords) x = ((b.to_matrix b₂).transpose.cramer) ((b.coords) x)

If we fix a background affine basis b, then for any other basis b₂, we can characterise the barycentric coordinates provided by b₂ in terms of determinants relative to b.