mathlib3 documentation


Extra lemmas about invertible matrices #

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Many of the invertible lemmas are about *; this restates them to be about .

For lemmas about the matrix inverse in terms of the determinant and adjugate, see matrix.has_inv in linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse.lean.

theorem matrix.inv_of_mul_self {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix n n α) [invertible A] :
( A).mul A = 1

A copy of inv_of_mul_self using not *.

theorem matrix.mul_inv_of_self {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix n n α) [invertible A] :
A.mul ( A) = 1

A copy of mul_inv_of_self using not *.

theorem matrix.inv_of_mul_self_assoc {m : Type u_1} {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix n n α) (B : matrix n m α) [invertible A] :
( A).mul (A.mul B) = B

A copy of inv_of_mul_self_assoc using not *.

theorem matrix.mul_inv_of_self_assoc {m : Type u_1} {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix n n α) (B : matrix n m α) [invertible A] :
A.mul (( A).mul B) = B

A copy of mul_inv_of_self_assoc using not *.

theorem matrix.mul_inv_of_mul_self_cancel {m : Type u_1} {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix m n α) (B : matrix n n α) [invertible B] :
(A.mul ( B)).mul B = A

A copy of mul_inv_of_mul_self_cancel using not *.

theorem matrix.mul_mul_inv_of_self_cancel {m : Type u_1} {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A : matrix m n α) (B : matrix n n α) [invertible B] :
(A.mul B).mul ( B) = A

A copy of mul_mul_inv_of_self_cancel using not *.

@[protected, reducible]
def matrix.invertible_mul {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (A B : matrix n n α) [invertible A] [invertible B] :

A copy of invertible_mul using not *.

def invertible.matrix_mul {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] {A B : matrix n n α} (ha : invertible A) (hb : invertible B) :

A copy of invertible.mul using not *.

theorem matrix.inv_of_mul {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] {A B : matrix n n α} [invertible A] [invertible B] [invertible (A.mul B)] :
(A.mul B) = ( B).mul ( A)
@[protected, reducible]
def matrix.invertible_of_invertible_mul {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (a b : matrix n n α) [invertible a] [invertible (a.mul b)] :

A copy of invertible_of_invertible_mul using not *.

@[protected, reducible]
def matrix.invertible_of_mul_invertible {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (a b : matrix n n α) [invertible (a.mul b)] [invertible b] :

A copy of invertible_of_mul_invertible using not *.

def invertible.matrix_mul_left {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] {a : matrix n n α} (ha : invertible a) (b : matrix n n α) :

A copy of invertible.mul_left using not *.

def invertible.matrix_mul_right {n : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] [semiring α] (a : matrix n n α) {b : matrix n n α} (ha : invertible b) :

A copy of invertible.mul_right using not *.
