mathlib3 documentation


Conjugations #

THIS FILE IS SYNCHRONIZED WITH MATHLIB4. Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.

This file defines the grade reversal and grade involution functions on multivectors, reverse and involute. Together, these operations compose to form the "Clifford conjugate", hence the name of this file.

Main definitions #

Main statements #

Grade involution, inverting the sign of each basis vector.


Grade reversion, inverting the multiplication order of basis vectors. Also called transpose in some literature.


clifford_algebra.reverse and clifford_algebra.inverse commute. Note that the composition is sometimes referred to as the "clifford conjugate".

Statements about conjugations of products of lists #

Taking the reverse of the product a list of $n$ vectors lifted via ι is equivalent to taking the product of the reverse of that list.

Taking the involute of the product a list of $n$ vectors lifted via ι is equivalent to premultiplying by ${-1}^n$.

Statements about and submodule.comap #

TODO: show that these are iffs when invertible (2 : R).