Order intervals #
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This file defines (nonempty) closed intervals in an order (see set.Icc
). This is a prototype for
interval arithmetic.
Main declarations #
: Nonempty intervals. Pairs where the second element is greater than the first.interval
: Intervals. Either∅
or a nonempty interval.
The nonempty closed intervals in an order.
We define intervals by the pair of endpoints fst
, snd
. To convert intervals to the set of
elements between these endpoints, use the coercion nonempty_interval α → set α
Instances for nonempty_interval
- nonempty_interval.has_mem
- nonempty_interval.has_sizeof_inst
- nonempty_interval.is_empty
- nonempty_interval.subsingleton
- nonempty_interval.has_le
- nonempty_interval.preorder
- nonempty_interval.set.has_coe_t
- nonempty_interval.inhabited
- nonempty_interval.nonempty
- nonempty_interval.nontrivial
- nonempty_interval.order_top
- nonempty_interval.partial_order
- nonempty_interval.set_like
- nonempty_interval.has_sup
- nonempty_interval.semilattice_sup
- interval.has_coe_t
- interval.can_lift
- nonempty_interval.has_one
- nonempty_interval.has_zero
- nonempty_interval.has_mul
- nonempty_interval.has_add
- nonempty_interval.has_nsmul
- nonempty_interval.has_pow
- nonempty_interval.comm_monoid
- nonempty_interval.add_comm_monoid
- nonempty_interval.has_sub
- nonempty_interval.has_div
- nonempty_interval.has_inv
- nonempty_interval.has_neg
- nonempty_interval.subtraction_comm_monoid
- nonempty_interval.division_comm_monoid
The injection that induces the order on intervals.
as an order embedding.
- nonempty_interval.to_dual_prod_hom = {to_embedding := {to_fun := nonempty_interval.to_dual_prod _inst_1, inj' := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
Turn an interval into an interval in the dual order.
- nonempty_interval.dual = {to_fun := λ (s : nonempty_interval α), {to_prod := s.to_prod.swap, fst_le_snd := _}, inv_fun := λ (s : nonempty_interval αᵒᵈ), {to_prod := s.to_prod.swap, fst_le_snd := _}, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
- nonempty_interval.set.has_coe_t = {coe := λ (s : nonempty_interval α), set.Icc s.to_prod.fst s.to_prod.snd}
- nonempty_interval.has_mem = {mem := λ (a : α) (s : nonempty_interval α), a ∈ ↑s}
as an interval.
- nonempty_interval.pure a = {to_prod := (a, a), fst_le_snd := _}
Pushforward of nonempty intervals.
- nonempty_interval.map f a = {to_prod := prod.map ⇑f ⇑f a.to_prod, fst_le_snd := _}
Binary pushforward of nonempty intervals.
- nonempty_interval.map₂ f h₀ h₁ = λ (s : nonempty_interval α) (t : nonempty_interval β), {to_prod := (f s.to_prod.fst t.to_prod.fst, f s.to_prod.snd t.to_prod.snd), fst_le_snd := _}
- nonempty_interval.order_top = {top := {to_prod := (⊥, ⊤), fst_le_snd := _}, le_top := _}
- nonempty_interval.partial_order = partial_order.lift nonempty_interval.to_dual_prod nonempty_interval.partial_order._proof_1
Consider a nonempty interval [a, b]
as the set [a, b]
- nonempty_interval.coe_hom = order_embedding.of_map_le_iff (λ (s : nonempty_interval α), set.Icc s.to_prod.fst s.to_prod.snd) nonempty_interval.coe_hom._proof_1
- nonempty_interval.set_like = {coe := λ (s : nonempty_interval α), set.Icc s.to_prod.fst s.to_prod.snd, coe_injective' := _}
- nonempty_interval.semilattice_sup = function.injective.semilattice_sup nonempty_interval.to_dual_prod nonempty_interval.semilattice_sup._proof_1 nonempty_interval.semilattice_sup._proof_2
The closed intervals in an order.
We represent intervals either as ⊥
or a nonempty interval given by its endpoints fst
, snd
To convert intervals to the set of elements between these endpoints, use the coercion
interval α → set α
- interval α = with_bot (nonempty_interval α)
Instances for interval
- interval.inhabited
- interval.has_le
- interval.order_bot
- interval.has_coe_t
- interval.can_lift
- interval.unique
- interval.preorder
- interval.nontrivial
- interval.bounded_order
- interval.partial_order
- interval.set_like
- interval.semilattice_sup
- interval.lattice
- interval.complete_lattice
- interval.has_one
- interval.has_zero
- interval.has_mul
- interval.has_add
- interval.mul_one_class
- interval.add_zero_class
- interval.comm_monoid
- interval.add_comm_monoid
- interval.has_sub
- interval.has_div
- interval.has_inv
- interval.has_neg
- interval.subtraction_comm_monoid
- interval.division_comm_monoid
Turn an interval into an interval in the dual order.
as an interval.
Consider a interval [a, b]
as the set [a, b]
- interval.coe_hom = order_embedding.of_map_le_iff (λ (s : interval α), interval.coe_hom._match_1 s) interval.coe_hom._proof_1
- interval.coe_hom._match_1 (option.some s) = ↑s
- interval.coe_hom._match_1 ⊥ = ∅
- interval.set_like = {coe := ⇑interval.coe_hom, coe_injective' := _}
- interval.lattice = {sup := semilattice_sup.sup interval.semilattice_sup, le := semilattice_sup.le interval.semilattice_sup, lt := semilattice_sup.lt interval.semilattice_sup, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := λ (s t : interval α), interval.lattice._match_1 s t, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _}
- interval.lattice._match_1 (option.some s) (option.some t) = dite (s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd ∧ t.to_prod.fst ≤ s.to_prod.snd) (λ (h : s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd ∧ t.to_prod.fst ≤ s.to_prod.snd), option.some {to_prod := (s.to_prod.fst ⊔ t.to_prod.fst, s.to_prod.snd ⊓ t.to_prod.snd), fst_le_snd := _}) (λ (h : ¬(s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd ∧ t.to_prod.fst ≤ s.to_prod.snd)), ⊥)
- interval.lattice._match_1 (option.some val) ⊥ = ⊥
- interval.lattice._match_1 ⊥ (option.some val) = ⊥
- interval.lattice._match_1 ⊥ option.none = ⊥
- interval.complete_lattice = {sup := lattice.sup interval.lattice, le := lattice.le interval.lattice, lt := lattice.lt interval.lattice, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := lattice.inf interval.lattice, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _, Sup := λ (S : set (interval α)), dite (S ⊆ {⊥}) (λ (h : S ⊆ {⊥}), ⊥) (λ (h : ¬S ⊆ {⊥}), option.some {to_prod := (⨅ (s : nonempty_interval α) (h : ↑s ∈ S), s.to_prod.fst, ⨆ (s : nonempty_interval α) (h : ↑s ∈ S), s.to_prod.snd), fst_le_snd := _}), le_Sup := _, Sup_le := _, Inf := λ (S : set (interval α)), dite (⊥ ∉ S ∧ ∀ ⦃s : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑s ∈ S → ∀ ⦃t : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑t ∈ S → s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd) (λ (h : ⊥ ∉ S ∧ ∀ ⦃s : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑s ∈ S → ∀ ⦃t : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑t ∈ S → s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd), option.some {to_prod := (⨆ (s : nonempty_interval α) (h : ↑s ∈ S), s.to_prod.fst, ⨅ (s : nonempty_interval α) (h : ↑s ∈ S), s.to_prod.snd), fst_le_snd := _}) (λ (h : ¬(⊥ ∉ S ∧ ∀ ⦃s : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑s ∈ S → ∀ ⦃t : nonempty_interval α⦄, ↑t ∈ S → s.to_prod.fst ≤ t.to_prod.snd)), ⊥), Inf_le := _, le_Inf := _, top := bounded_order.top interval.bounded_order, bot := bounded_order.bot interval.bounded_order, le_top := _, bot_le := _}