Measurable spaces and measurable functions #
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This file provides properties of measurable spaces and the functions and isomorphisms
between them. The definition of a measurable space is in measure_theory.measurable_space_def
A measurable space is a set equipped with a σ-algebra, a collection of subsets closed under complementation and countable union. A function between measurable spaces is measurable if the preimage of each measurable subset is measurable.
σ-algebras on a fixed set α
form a complete lattice. Here we order
σ-algebras by writing m₁ ≤ m₂
if every set which is m₁
-measurable is
also m₂
-measurable (that is, m₁
is a subset of m₂
). In particular, any
collection of subsets of α
generates a smallest σ-algebra which
contains all of them. A function f : α → β
induces a Galois connection
between the lattices of σ-algebras on α
and β
A measurable equivalence between measurable spaces is an equivalence which respects the σ-algebras, that is, for which both directions of the equivalence are measurable functions.
We say that a filter f
is measurably generated if every set s ∈ f
includes a measurable
set t ∈ f
. This property is useful, e.g., to extract a measurable witness of filter.eventually
Notation #
- We write
α ≃ᵐ β
for measurable equivalences between the measurable spacesα
. This should not be confused with≃ₘ
which is used for diffeomorphisms between manifolds.
Implementation notes #
Measurability of a function f : α → β
between measurable spaces is
defined in terms of the Galois connection induced by f.
References #
Tags #
measurable space, σ-algebra, measurable function, measurable equivalence, dynkin system, π-λ theorem, π-system
The forward image of a measurable space under a function. map f m
contains the sets
s : set β
whose preimage under f
is measurable.
- f m = {measurable_set' := λ (s : set β), measurable_set (f ⁻¹' s), measurable_set_empty := _, measurable_set_compl := _, measurable_set_Union := _}
The reverse image of a measurable space under a function. comap f m
contains the sets
s : set α
such that s
is the f
-preimage of a measurable set in β
- measurable_space.comap f m = {measurable_set' := λ (s : set α), ∃ (s' : set β), measurable_set s' ∧ f ⁻¹' s' = s, measurable_set_empty := _, measurable_set_compl := _, measurable_set_Union := _}
Alias of the forward direction of measurable_iff_le_map
Alias of the reverse direction of measurable_iff_le_map
Alias of the forward direction of measurable_iff_comap_le
Alias of the reverse direction of measurable_iff_comap_le
A version of measurable_const
that assumes f x = f y
for all x, y
. This version works
for functions between empty types.
this is slightly different from measurable.piecewise
. It can be used to show
measurable (ite (x=0) 0 1)
exact measurable.ite (measurable_set_singleton 0) measurable_const measurable_const
but replacing measurable.ite
by measurable.piecewise
in that example proof does not work.
If a function coincides with a measurable function outside of a countable set, it is measurable.
- quot.measurable_space = ( r) m
A measurable_space
structure on the product of two measurable spaces.
- m₁.prod m₂ = measurable_space.comap prod.fst m₁ ⊔ measurable_space.comap prod.snd m₂
- prod.measurable_space = m₁.prod m₂
A piecewise function on countably many pieces is measurable if all the data is measurable.
Given countably many disjoint measurable sets t n
and countably many measurable
functions g n
, one can construct a measurable function that coincides with g n
on t n
- measurable_space.pi = ⨆ (a : δ), measurable_space.comap (λ (b : Π (a : δ), π a), b a) (m a)
The function update f a : π a → Π a, π a
is always measurable.
This doesn't require f
to be measurable.
This should not be confused with the statement that update f a x
is measurable.
- sigma.measurable_space = ⨅ (a : α), ( a) (m a)
Alias of the reverse direction of measurable_set_set_of
Alias of the reverse direction of measurable_mem
The sigma-algebra generated by a single set s
is {∅, s, sᶜ, univ}
- injective : function.injective f
- measurable : measurable f
- measurable_set_image' : ∀ ⦃s : set α⦄, measurable_set s → measurable_set (f '' s)
A map f : α → β
is called a measurable embedding if it is injective, measurable, and sends
measurable sets to measurable sets. The latter assumption can be replaced with “f
has measurable
inverse g : range f → α
”, see measurable_embedding.measurable_range_splitting
, and
One more interpretation: f
is a measurable embedding if it defines a measurable equivalence to its
range and the range is a measurable set. One implication is formalized as
; the other one follows from
, measurable_embedding.subtype_coe
, and
- to_equiv : α ≃ β
- measurable_to_fun : measurable ⇑(self.to_equiv)
- measurable_inv_fun : measurable ⇑(self.to_equiv.symm)
Equivalences between measurable spaces. Main application is the simplification of measurability statements along measurable equivalences.
Instances for measurable_equiv
- measurable_equiv.has_sizeof_inst
- measurable_equiv.has_coe_to_fun
- measurable_equiv.inhabited
Any measurable space is equivalent to itself.
- measurable_equiv.refl α = {to_equiv := equiv.refl α, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
- measurable_equiv.inhabited = {default := measurable_equiv.refl α _inst_1}
The composition of equivalences between measurable spaces.
- ab.trans bc = {to_equiv := ab.to_equiv.trans bc.to_equiv, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
The inverse of an equivalence between measurable spaces.
- ab.symm = {to_equiv := ab.to_equiv.symm, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
See Note [custom simps projection]. We need to specify this projection explicitly in this case, because it is a composition of multiple projections.
See Note [custom simps projection]
A measurable equivalence is a measurable embedding.
Equal measurable spaces are equivalent.
- measurable_equiv.cast h hi = {to_equiv := equiv.cast h, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Any two types with unique elements are measurably equivalent.
- measurable_equiv.of_unique_of_unique α β = {to_equiv := equiv.equiv_of_unique α β _inst_8, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Products of equivalent measurable spaces are equivalent.
- ab.prod_congr cd = {to_equiv := ab.to_equiv.prod_congr cd.to_equiv, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Products of measurable spaces are symmetric.
- measurable_equiv.prod_comm = {to_equiv := equiv.prod_comm α β, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Products of measurable spaces are associative.
- measurable_equiv.prod_assoc = {to_equiv := equiv.prod_assoc α β γ, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Sums of measurable spaces are symmetric.
- ab.sum_congr cd = {to_equiv := ab.to_equiv.sum_congr cd.to_equiv, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
s ×ˢ t ≃ (s × t)
as measurable spaces.
- s t = {to_equiv := s t, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
univ α ≃ α
as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.set.univ α = {to_equiv := equiv.set.univ α, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
{a} ≃ unit
as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.set.singleton a = {to_equiv := equiv.set.singleton a, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
is equivalent to its image in α ⊕ β
as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inl = {to_equiv := {to_fun := λ (ab : ↥(set.range sum.inl)), measurable_equiv.set.range_inl._match_1 ab, inv_fun := λ (a : α), ⟨sum.inl a, _⟩, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inl._match_1 ⟨sum.inr b, p⟩ = have this : false, from _, this.elim
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inl._match_1 ⟨sum.inl a, _x⟩ = a
is equivalent to its image in α ⊕ β
as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inr = {to_equiv := {to_fun := λ (ab : ↥(set.range sum.inr)), measurable_equiv.set.range_inr._match_1 ab, inv_fun := λ (b : β), ⟨sum.inr b, _⟩, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inr._match_1 ⟨sum.inr b, _x⟩ = b
- measurable_equiv.set.range_inr._match_1 ⟨sum.inl a, p⟩ = have this : false, from _, this.elim
Products distribute over sums (on the right) as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.sum_prod_distrib α β γ = {to_equiv := equiv.sum_prod_distrib α β γ, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Products distribute over sums (on the left) as measurable spaces.
Products distribute over sums as measurable spaces.
- measurable_equiv.sum_prod_sum α β γ δ = (measurable_equiv.sum_prod_distrib α β (γ ⊕ δ)).trans ((measurable_equiv.prod_sum_distrib α γ δ).sum_congr (measurable_equiv.prod_sum_distrib β γ δ))
A family of measurable equivalences Π a, β₁ a ≃ᵐ β₂ a
generates a measurable equivalence
between Π a, β₁ a
and Π a, β₂ a
- measurable_equiv.Pi_congr_right e = {to_equiv := equiv.Pi_congr_right (λ (a : δ'), (e a).to_equiv), measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Pi-types are measurably equivalent to iterated products.
- measurable_equiv.pi_measurable_equiv_tprod hnd h = {to_equiv := list.tprod.pi_equiv_tprod hnd h, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
If α
has a unique term, then the type of function α → β
is measurably equivalent to β
- measurable_equiv.fun_unique α β = {to_equiv := equiv.fun_unique α β _inst_7, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
The space Π i : fin 2, α i
is measurably equivalent to α 0 × α 1
- measurable_equiv.pi_fin_two α = {to_equiv := pi_fin_two_equiv α, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
The space fin 2 → α
is measurably equivalent to α × α
- measurable_equiv.fin_two_arrow = measurable_equiv.pi_fin_two (λ (_x : fin 2), α)
Measurable equivalence between Π j : fin (n + 1), α j
α i × Π j : fin n, α (fin.succ_above i j)
- measurable_equiv.pi_fin_succ_above_equiv α i = {to_equiv := equiv.pi_fin_succ_above_equiv α i, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Measurable equivalence between (dependent) functions on a type and pairs of functions on
{i // p i}
and {i // ¬p i}
. See also equiv.pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod
- measurable_equiv.pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod π p = {to_equiv := equiv.pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod p π (λ (a : δ'), _inst_7 a), measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
If s
is a measurable set in a measurable space, that space is equivalent
to the sum of s
and sᶜ
- measurable_equiv.sum_compl hs = {to_equiv := equiv.sum_compl s (λ (a : α), _inst_7 a), measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
Convert a measurable involutive function f
to a measurable permutation with
to_fun = inv_fun = f
. See also function.involutive.to_perm
- measurable_equiv.of_involutive f hf hf' = {to_equiv := {to_fun := (function.involutive.to_perm f hf).to_fun, inv_fun := (function.involutive.to_perm f hf).inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, measurable_to_fun := hf', measurable_inv_fun := hf'}
A set is equivalent to its image under a function f
as measurable spaces,
if f
is a measurable embedding
- measurable_embedding.equiv_image s hf = {to_equiv := equiv.set.image f s _, measurable_to_fun := _, measurable_inv_fun := _}
The domain of f
is equivalent to its range as measurable spaces,
if f
is a measurable embedding
- hf.equiv_range = (measurable_equiv.set.univ α).symm.trans ((measurable_embedding.equiv_image set.univ hf).trans (measurable_equiv.cast measurable_embedding.equiv_range._proof_1 measurable_embedding.equiv_range._proof_2))
The **measurable Schröder-Bernstein Theorem**: Given measurable embeddings
α → βand
β → α, we can find a measurable equivalence
α ≃ᵐ β`.
- hf.schroeder_bernstein hg = let F : set α → set α := λ (A : set α), (g '' (f '' A)ᶜ)ᶜ in (let X : ℕ → set α := λ (n : ℕ), F^[n] set.univ in ⟨set.Inter X, _⟩).cases_on (λ (A : set α) (this_snd : measurable_set A ∧ F A = A), this_snd.dcases_on (λ (Ameas : measurable_set A) (Afp : F A = A), let B : set β := f '' A in (measurable_equiv.sum_compl Ameas).symm.trans (((measurable_embedding.equiv_image A hf).sum_congr (_.mpr (measurable_embedding.equiv_image Bᶜ hg).symm)).trans (measurable_equiv.sum_compl _))))
We say a measurable space is countably generated if can be generated by a countable set of sets.
Instances of this typeclass
If a measurable space is countably generated, it admits a measurable injection
into the Cantor space ℕ → bool
(equipped with the product sigma algebra).
- exists_measurable_subset : ∀ ⦃s : set α⦄, s ∈ f → (∃ (t : set α) (H : t ∈ f), measurable_set t ∧ t ⊆ s)
A filter f
is measurably generates if each s ∈ f
includes a measurable t ∈ f
Instances of this typeclass
- filter.is_measurably_generated_bot
- filter.is_measurably_generated_top
- filter.inf_is_measurably_generated
- filter.infi_is_measurably_generated
- measure_theory.ae_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_Ici_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_Iic_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_Icc_is_measurably_generated
- at_top_is_measurably_generated
- at_bot_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_Ioi_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_Iio_is_measurably_generated
- nhds_within_uIcc_is_measurably_generated
Alias of the reverse direction of filter.principal_is_measurably_generated_iff
We say that a collection of sets is countably spanning if a countable subset spans the
whole type. This is a useful condition in various parts of measure theory. For example, it is
a needed condition to show that the product of two collections generate the product sigma algebra,
see generate_from_prod_eq
Typeclasses on subtype measurable_set
- measurable_set.subtype.has_mem = {mem := λ (a : α) (s : subtype measurable_set), a ∈ ↑s}
- measurable_set.subtype.has_insert = {insert := λ (a : α) (s : subtype measurable_set), ⟨has_insert.insert a ↑s, _⟩}
- measurable_set.subtype.has_compl = {compl := λ (x : subtype measurable_set), ⟨(↑x)ᶜ, _⟩}
- measurable_set.subtype.has_union = {union := λ (x y : subtype measurable_set), ⟨↑x ∪ ↑y, _⟩}
- measurable_set.subtype.has_inter = {inter := λ (x y : subtype measurable_set), ⟨↑x ∩ ↑y, _⟩}
- measurable_set.subtype.has_sdiff = {sdiff := λ (x y : subtype measurable_set), ⟨↑x \ ↑y, _⟩}
- measurable_set.subtype.partial_order = partial_order.lift coe measurable_set.subtype.partial_order._proof_1
- measurable_set.subtype.distrib_lattice = {sup := has_union.union measurable_set.subtype.has_union, le := partial_order.le measurable_set.subtype.partial_order, lt := measurable_set.subtype.partial_order, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := has_inter.inter measurable_set.subtype.has_inter, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _, le_sup_inf := _}
- measurable_set.subtype.boolean_algebra = {sup := distrib_lattice.sup measurable_set.subtype.distrib_lattice, le := distrib_lattice.le measurable_set.subtype.distrib_lattice, lt := measurable_set.subtype.distrib_lattice, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := distrib_lattice.inf measurable_set.subtype.distrib_lattice, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _, le_sup_inf := _, compl := has_compl.compl measurable_set.subtype.has_compl, sdiff := has_sdiff.sdiff measurable_set.subtype.has_sdiff, himp := λ (x y : subtype measurable_set), distrib_lattice.sup y xᶜ, top := measurable_set.subtype.bounded_order, bot := measurable_set.subtype.bounded_order, inf_compl_le_bot := _, top_le_sup_compl := _, le_top := _, bot_le := _, sdiff_eq := _, himp_eq := _}