mathlib3 documentation

Exposed sets #

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This file defines exposed sets and exposed points for sets in a real vector space.

An exposed subset of A is a subset of A that is the set of all maximal points of a functional (a continuous linear map E → 𝕜) over A. By convention, is an exposed subset of all sets. This allows for better functoriality of the definition (the intersection of two exposed subsets is exposed, faces of a polytope form a bounded lattice). This is an analytic notion of "being on the side of". It is stronger than being extreme (see is_exposed.is_extreme), but weaker (for exposed points) than being a vertex.

An exposed set of A is sometimes called a "face of A", but we decided to reserve this terminology to the more specific notion of a face of a polytope (sometimes hopefully soon out on mathlib!).

Main declarations #

References #

See chapter 8 of Barry Simon, Convexity


Define intrinsic frontier/interior and prove the lemmas related to exposed sets and points.

Generalise to Locally Convex Topological Vector Spaces™

More not-yet-PRed stuff is available on the branch sperner_again.

def is_exposed (𝕜 : Type u_1) {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [semiring 𝕜] [preorder 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] (A B : set E) :

A set B is exposed with respect to A iff it maximizes some functional over A (and contains all points maximizing it). Written is_exposed 𝕜 A B.

def continuous_linear_map.to_exposed {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] (l : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜) (A : set E) :
set E

A useful way to build exposed sets from intersecting A with halfspaces (modelled by an inequality with a functional).

theorem continuous_linear_map.to_exposed.is_exposed {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {l : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜} {A : set E} :
is_exposed 𝕜 A (l.to_exposed A)
theorem is_exposed_empty {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A : set E} :
theorem is_exposed.subset {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) :
@[protected, refl]
theorem is_exposed.refl {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] (A : set E) :
is_exposed 𝕜 A A
theorem is_exposed.antisymm {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (hB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hA : is_exposed 𝕜 B A) :
A = B
theorem is_exposed.mono {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B C : set E} (hC : is_exposed 𝕜 A C) (hBA : B A) (hCB : C B) :
is_exposed 𝕜 B C
theorem is_exposed.eq_inter_halfspace' {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hB : B.nonempty) :
(l : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜) (a : 𝕜), B = {x ∈ A | a l x}

If B is a nonempty exposed subset of A, then B is the intersection of A with some closed halfspace. The converse is not true. It would require that the corresponding open halfspace doesn't intersect A.

theorem is_exposed.eq_inter_halfspace {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] [nontrivial 𝕜] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) :
(l : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜) (a : 𝕜), B = {x ∈ A | a l x}

For nontrivial 𝕜, if B is an exposed subset of A, then B is the intersection of A with some closed halfspace. The converse is not true. It would require that the corresponding open halfspace doesn't intersect A.

theorem is_exposed.inter {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] [has_continuous_add 𝕜] {A B C : set E} (hB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hC : is_exposed 𝕜 A C) :
is_exposed 𝕜 A (B C)
theorem is_exposed.sInter {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A : set E} [has_continuous_add 𝕜] {F : finset (set E)} (hF : F.nonempty) (hAF : (B : set E), B F is_exposed 𝕜 A B) :
theorem is_exposed.inter_left {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B C : set E} (hC : is_exposed 𝕜 A C) (hCB : C B) :
is_exposed 𝕜 (A B) C
theorem is_exposed.inter_right {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B C : set E} (hC : is_exposed 𝕜 B C) (hCA : C A) :
is_exposed 𝕜 (A B) C
theorem is_exposed.is_closed {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] [order_closed_topology 𝕜] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hA : is_closed A) :
theorem is_exposed.is_compact {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] [order_closed_topology 𝕜] [t2_space E] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hA : is_compact A) :
def set.exposed_points (𝕜 : Type u_1) {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] (A : set E) :
set E

A point is exposed with respect to A iff there exists an hyperplane whose intersection with A is exactly that point.

theorem exposed_point_def {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A : set E} {x : E} :
x set.exposed_points 𝕜 A x A (l : E →L[𝕜] 𝕜), (y : E), y A l y l x (l x l y y = x)
theorem exposed_points_subset {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A : set E} :
theorem exposed_points_empty {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] :
theorem mem_exposed_points_iff_exposed_singleton {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A : set E} {x : E} :
x set.exposed_points 𝕜 A is_exposed 𝕜 A {x}

Exposed points exactly correspond to exposed singletons.

theorem is_exposed.convex {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [linear_ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) (hA : convex 𝕜 A) :
convex 𝕜 B
theorem is_exposed.is_extreme {𝕜 : Type u_1} {E : Type u_2} [topological_space 𝕜] [linear_ordered_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [topological_space E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (hAB : is_exposed 𝕜 A B) :
is_extreme 𝕜 A B