Rotate #
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This file adds the ability to rotate triangles and triangle morphisms. It also shows that rotation gives an equivalence on the category of triangles.
If you rotate a triangle, you get another triangle. Given a triangle of the form:
f g h
X ───> Y ───> Z ───> X⟦1⟧
applying rotate
gives a triangle of the form:
g h -f⟦1⟧'
Y ───> Z ───> X⟦1⟧ ───> Y⟦1⟧
Given a triangle of the form:
f g h
X ───> Y ───> Z ───> X⟦1⟧
applying inv_rotate
gives a triangle that can be thought of as:
-h⟦-1⟧' f g
Z⟦-1⟧ ───> X ───> Y ───> Z
(note that this diagram doesn't technically fit the definition of triangle, as Z⟦-1⟧⟦1⟧
not necessarily equal to Z
, but it is isomorphic, by the counit_iso
of shift C
- T.inv_rotate = (-(category_theory.shift_functor C (-1)).map T.mor₃ ≫ (category_theory.shift_shift_neg T.obj₁ 1).hom) T.mor₁ (T.mor₂ ≫ (category_theory.shift_neg_shift T.obj₃ 1).inv)
Rotating triangles gives an endofunctor on the category of triangles in C
- category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C = {obj := category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle.rotate _inst_3, map := λ (T₁ T₂ : category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C) (f : T₁ ⟶ T₂), {hom₁ := f.hom₂, hom₂ := f.hom₃, hom₃ := (category_theory.shift_functor C 1).map f.hom₁, comm₁' := _, comm₂' := _, comm₃' := _}, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
Instances for category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate
The inverse rotation of triangles gives an endofunctor on the category of triangles in C
- category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C = {obj := category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle.inv_rotate _inst_3, map := λ (T₁ T₂ : category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C) (f : T₁ ⟶ T₂), {hom₁ := (category_theory.shift_functor C (-1)).map f.hom₃, hom₂ := f.hom₁, hom₃ := f.hom₂, comm₁' := _, comm₂' := _, comm₃' := _}, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
Instances for category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate
The unit isomorphism of the auto-equivalence of categories triangle_rotation C
triangle C
given by the rotation of triangles.
- category_theory.pretriangulated.rot_comp_inv_rot = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (T : category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C), ((𝟭 (category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C)).obj T).iso_mk ((category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C ⋙ category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C).obj T) ((category_theory.shift_equiv C 1) T.obj₁) (category_theory.iso.refl ((𝟭 (category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C)).obj T).obj₂) (category_theory.iso.refl ((𝟭 (category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C)).obj T).obj₃) _ _ _) category_theory.pretriangulated.rot_comp_inv_rot._proof_4
The counit isomorphism of the auto-equivalence of categories triangle_rotation C
triangle C
given by the rotation of triangles.
- category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rot_comp_rot = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (T : category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C), ((category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C ⋙ category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C).obj T).iso_mk ((𝟭 (category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle C)).obj T) (category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C ⋙ category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C).obj T).obj₁) (category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C ⋙ category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C).obj T).obj₂) ((category_theory.shift_equiv C 1) T.obj₃) _ _ _) category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rot_comp_rot._proof_4
Rotating triangles gives an auto-equivalence on the category of triangles in C
- category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle_rotation C = {functor := category_theory.pretriangulated.rotate C _inst_3, inverse := category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rotate C _inst_3, unit_iso := category_theory.pretriangulated.rot_comp_inv_rot _, counit_iso := category_theory.pretriangulated.inv_rot_comp_rot _, functor_unit_iso_comp' := _}