mathlib3 documentation


The homotopy category #

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homotopy_category V c gives the category of chain complexes of shape c in V, with chain maps identified when they are homotopic.

The congruence on homological_complex V c given by the existence of a homotopy.

Instances for homotopic
def homotopy_category {ι : Type u_1} (V : Type u) [category_theory.category V] [category_theory.preadditive V] (c : complex_shape ι) :
Type (max u u_1 v)

homotopy_category V c is the category of chain complexes of shape c in V, with chain maps identified when they are homotopic.

Instances for homotopy_category

The quotient functor from complexes to the homotopy category.


If two chain maps become equal in the homotopy category, then they are homotopic.


An arbitrarily chosen representation of the image of a chain map in the homotopy category is homotopic to the original chain map.


Homotopy equivalent complexes become isomorphic in the homotopy category.


An additive functor induces a functor between homotopy categories.
