Skyscraper (pre)sheaves #
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A skyscraper (pre)sheaf 𝓕 : (pre)sheaf C X
is the (pre)sheaf with value A
at point p₀
that is
supported only at open sets contain p₀
, i.e. 𝓕(U) = A
if p₀ ∈ U
and 𝓕(U) = *
if p₀ ∉ U
where *
is a terminal object of C
. In terms of stalks, 𝓕
is supported at all specializations
of p₀
, i.e. if p₀ ⤳ x
then 𝓕ₓ ≅ A
and if ¬ p₀ ⤳ x
then 𝓕ₓ ≅ *
Main definitions #
:skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
is the skyscraper presheaf at pointp₀
with valueA
: the skyscraper presheaf satisfies the sheaf condition.
Main statements #
: ify ∈ closure {p₀}
then the stalk ofskyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
: ify ∉ closure {p₀}
then the stalk ofskyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
the terminal object.
TODO: generalize universe level when calculating stalks, after generalizing universe level of stalk.
A skyscraper presheaf is a presheaf supported at a single point: if p₀ ∈ X
is a specified
point, then the skyscraper presheaf 𝓕
with value A
is defined by U ↦ A
if p₀ ∈ U
U ↦ *
if p₀ ∉ A
where *
is some terminal object.
- skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A = {obj := λ (U : (topological_space.opens ↥X)ᵒᵖ), ite (p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U) A (⊤_ C), map := λ (U V : (topological_space.opens ↥X)ᵒᵖ) (i : U ⟶ V), dite (p₀ ∈ opposite.unop V) (λ (h : p₀ ∈ opposite.unop V), category_theory.eq_to_hom _) (λ (h : p₀ ∉ opposite.unop V), (eq.rec category_theory.limits.terminal_is_terminal _).from (ite (p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U) A (⊤_ C))), map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
Taking skyscraper presheaf at a point is functorial: c ↦ skyscraper p₀ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a ⟶ b
to the natural transformation α
defined as: α(U) = f : a ⟶ b
p₀ ∈ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if p₀ ∉ U
-' p₀ f = {app := λ (U : (topological_space.opens ↥X)ᵒᵖ), dite (p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U) (λ (h : p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U), category_theory.eq_to_hom _ ≫ f ≫ category_theory.eq_to_hom _) (λ (h : p₀ ∉ opposite.unop U), (eq.rec category_theory.limits.terminal_is_terminal _).from ((skyscraper_presheaf p₀ a).obj U)), naturality' := _}
Taking skyscraper presheaf at a point is functorial: c ↦ skyscraper p₀ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a ⟶ b
to the natural transformation α
defined as: α(U) = f : a ⟶ b
p₀ ∈ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if p₀ ∉ U
- skyscraper_presheaf_functor p₀ = {obj := skyscraper_presheaf p₀ _inst_3, map := λ (_x _x_1 : C),' p₀, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
Instances for skyscraper_presheaf_functor
The cocone at A
for the stalk functor of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
when y ∈ closure {p₀}
- skyscraper_presheaf_cocone_of_specializes p₀ A h = {X := A, ι := {app := λ (U : (topological_space.open_nhds y)ᵒᵖ), category_theory.eq_to_hom _, naturality' := _}}
The cocone at A
for the stalk functor of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
when y ∈ closure {p₀}
is a
- skyscraper_presheaf_cocone_is_colimit_of_specializes p₀ A h = {desc := λ (c : category_theory.limits.cocone ((topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion y).op ⋙ skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A)), category_theory.eq_to_hom _ ≫ c.ι.app (opposite.op ⊤), fac' := _, uniq' := _}
If y ∈ closure {p₀}
, then the stalk of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
at y
is A
The cocone at *
for the stalk functor of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
when y ∉ closure {p₀}
- skyscraper_presheaf_cocone p₀ A y = {X := ⊤_ C, ι := {app := λ (U : (topological_space.open_nhds y)ᵒᵖ), category_theory.limits.terminal.from (((topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion y).op ⋙ skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A).obj U), naturality' := _}}
The cocone at *
for the stalk functor of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
when y ∉ closure {p₀}
is a
- skyscraper_presheaf_cocone_is_colimit_of_not_specializes p₀ A h = let h1 : ∃ (U : topological_space.open_nhds y), p₀ ∉ U.obj := _ in {desc := λ (c : category_theory.limits.cocone ((topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion y).op ⋙ skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A)), category_theory.eq_to_hom _ ≫ c.ι.app (opposite.op h1.some), fac' := _, uniq' := _}
If y ∉ closure {p₀}
, then the stalk of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
at y
is isomorphic to a
terminal object.
If y ∉ closure {p₀}
, then the stalk of skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A
at y
is a terminal object
The skyscraper presheaf supported at p₀
with value A
is the sheaf that assigns A
to all opens
that contain p₀
and assigns *
- skyscraper_sheaf p₀ A = {val := skyscraper_presheaf p₀ A, cond := _}
Taking skyscraper sheaf at a point is functorial: c ↦ skyscraper p₀ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a ⟶ b
to the natural transformation α
defined as: α(U) = f : a ⟶ b
p₀ ∈ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if p₀ ∉ U
- skyscraper_sheaf_functor p₀ = {obj := λ (c : C), skyscraper_sheaf p₀ c, map := λ (a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), {val := (skyscraper_presheaf_functor p₀).map f}, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
Instances for skyscraper_sheaf_functor
If f : 𝓕.stalk p₀ ⟶ c
, then a natural transformation 𝓕 ⟶ skyscraper_presheaf p₀ c
can be
defined by: 𝓕.germ p₀ ≫ f : 𝓕(U) ⟶ c
if p₀ ∈ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object
if p₀ ∉ U
- stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.to_skyscraper_presheaf p₀ f = {app := λ (U : (topological_space.opens ↥X)ᵒᵖ), dite (p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U) (λ (h : p₀ ∈ opposite.unop U), 𝓕.germ ⟨p₀, h⟩ ≫ f ≫ category_theory.eq_to_hom _) (λ (h : p₀ ∉ opposite.unop U), (eq.rec category_theory.limits.terminal_is_terminal _).from (𝓕.obj U)), naturality' := _}
If f : 𝓕 ⟶ skyscraper_presheaf p₀ c
is a natural transformation, then there is a morphism
𝓕.stalk p₀ ⟶ c
defined as the morphism from colimit to cocone at c
- stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.from_stalk p₀ f = let χ : category_theory.limits.cocone ((topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion p₀).op ⋙ 𝓕) := {X := c, ι := {app := λ (U : (topological_space.open_nhds p₀)ᵒᵖ), (opposite.op (opposite.unop U).obj) ≫ category_theory.eq_to_hom _, naturality' := _}} in category_theory.limits.colimit.desc ((topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion p₀).op ⋙ 𝓕) χ
The unit in presheaf.stalk ⊣ skyscraper_presheaf_functor
- stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.unit p₀ = {app := λ (𝓕 : Top.presheaf C X), stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.to_skyscraper_presheaf p₀ (𝟙 (((𝟭 (Top.presheaf C X)).obj 𝓕).stalk p₀)), naturality' := _}
The counit in presheaf.stalk ⊣ skyscraper_presheaf_functor
- stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.counit p₀ = {app := λ (c : C), (skyscraper_presheaf_stalk_of_specializes p₀ c _).hom, naturality' := _}
is the right adjoint of presheaf.stalk_functor
- skyscraper_presheaf_stalk_adjunction p₀ = {hom_equiv := λ (c : Top.presheaf C X) (𝓕 : C), {to_fun := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.to_skyscraper_presheaf p₀ 𝓕, inv_fun := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.from_stalk p₀ 𝓕, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, unit := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.unit p₀ _inst_4, counit := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.counit p₀ _inst_4, hom_equiv_unit' := _, hom_equiv_counit' := _}
- Top.presheaf.stalk_functor.category_theory.is_left_adjoint p₀ = {right := skyscraper_presheaf_functor p₀ _inst_3, adj := skyscraper_presheaf_stalk_adjunction p₀ _inst_4}
Taking stalks of a sheaf is the left adjoint functor to skyscraper_sheaf_functor
- stalk_skyscraper_sheaf_adjunction p₀ = {hom_equiv := λ (𝓕 : Top.sheaf C X) (c : C), {to_fun := λ (f : (Top.sheaf.forget C X ⋙ Top.presheaf.stalk_functor C p₀).obj 𝓕 ⟶ c), {val := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.to_skyscraper_presheaf p₀ f}, inv_fun := λ (g : 𝓕 ⟶ (skyscraper_sheaf_functor p₀).obj c), stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.from_stalk p₀ g.val, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, unit := {app := λ (𝓕 : Top.sheaf C X), {val := (stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.unit p₀).app 𝓕.val}, naturality' := _}, counit := stalk_skyscraper_presheaf_adjunction_auxs.counit p₀ _inst_4, hom_equiv_unit' := _, hom_equiv_counit' := _}
- skyscraper_sheaf_functor.category_theory.is_right_adjoint p₀ = {left := Top.sheaf.forget C X ⋙ Top.presheaf.stalk_functor C p₀, adj := stalk_skyscraper_sheaf_adjunction p₀ _inst_4}