mathlib3 documentation


Pushing a quiver structure along a map #

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Given a map σ : V → W and a quiver instance on V, this files defines a quiver instance on W by associating to each arrow v ⟶ v' in V an arrow σ v ⟶ σ v' in W.

def quiver.push {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) :
Type u_3

The quiver instance obtained by pushing arrows of V along the map σ : V → W

Instances for quiver.push
@[protected, instance]
def quiver.push.nonempty {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) [h : nonempty W] :
inductive quiver.push_quiver {V : Type u} [quiver V] {W : Type u₂} (σ : V W) :
W W Type (max u u₂ v)

The quiver structure obtained by pushing arrows of V along the map σ : V → W

Instances for quiver.push_quiver
  • quiver.push_quiver.has_sizeof_inst
@[protected, instance]
def quiver.push.quiver {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) :
def quiver.push.of {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) :

The prefunctor induced by pushing arrows via σ

Instances for quiver.push.of
theorem quiver.push.of_obj {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) :
def quiver.push.lift {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) {W' : Type u_4} [quiver W'] (φ : V ⥤q W') (τ : W W') (h : (x : V), φ.obj x = τ (σ x)) :

Given a function τ : W → W' and a prefunctor φ : V ⥤q W', one can extend τ to be a prefunctor W ⥤q W' if τ and σ factorize φ at the level of objects, where W is given the pushforward quiver structure push σ.

theorem quiver.push.lift_obj {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) {W' : Type u_4} [quiver W'] (φ : V ⥤q W') (τ : W W') (h : (x : V), φ.obj x = τ (σ x)) :
(quiver.push.lift σ φ τ h).obj = τ
theorem quiver.push.lift_comp {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) {W' : Type u_4} [quiver W'] (φ : V ⥤q W') (τ : W W') (h : (x : V), φ.obj x = τ (σ x)) :
theorem quiver.push.lift_unique {V : Type u_1} [quiver V] {W : Type u_3} (σ : V W) {W' : Type u_4} [quiver W'] (φ : V ⥤q W') (τ : W W') (h : (x : V), φ.obj x = τ (σ x)) (Φ : quiver.push σ ⥤q W') (Φ₀ : Φ.obj = τ) (Φcomp : quiver.push.of σ ⋙q Φ = φ) :
Φ = quiver.push.lift σ φ τ h