Induced Topology #
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We say that a functor G : C ⥤ (D, K)
is locally dense if for each covering sieve T
in D
some X : C
, T ∩ mor(C)
generates a covering sieve of X
in D
. A locally dense fully faithful
functor then induces a topology on C
via { T ∩ mor(C) | T ∈ K }
. Note that this is equal to
the collection of sieves on C
whose image generates a covering sieve. This construction would
make C
both cover-lifting and cover-preserving.
Some typical examples are full and cover-dense functors (for example the functor from a basis of a
topological space X
into opens X
). The functor over X ⥤ C
is also locally dense, and the
induced topology can then be used to construct the big sites associated to a scheme.
Given a fully faithful cover-dense functor G : C ⥤ (D, K)
between small sites, we then have
Sheaf (H.induced_topology) A ≌ Sheaf K A
. This is known as the comparison lemma.
References #
- [Joh02]: Sketches of an Elephant, P. T. Johnstone: C2.2.
We say that a functor C ⥤ D
into a site is "locally dense" if
for each covering sieve T
in D
, T ∩ mor(C)
generates a covering sieve in D
- category_theory.locally_cover_dense K G = ∀ ⦃X : C⦄ (T : ↥(⇑K (G.obj X))), category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward G (category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback G T.val) ∈ ⇑K (G.obj X)
If a functor G : C ⥤ (D, K)
is fully faithful and locally dense,
then the set { T ∩ mor(C) | T ∈ K }
is a grothendieck topology of C
- Hld.induced_topology = {sieves := λ (X : C) (S : category_theory.sieve X), ⇑K (G.obj X) (category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward G S), top_mem' := _, pullback_stable' := _, transitive' := _}
is cover-lifting wrt the induced topology.
is cover-preserving wrt the induced topology.
Given a fully faithful cover-dense functor G : C ⥤ (D, K)
, we may induce a topology on C
Cover-dense functors induces an equivalence of categories of sheaves.
This is known as the comparison lemma. It requires that the sites are small and the value category is complete.