Algebras for the coproduct monad #
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The functor Y ↦ X ⨿ Y
forms a monad, whose category of monads is equivalent to the under category
of X
. Similarly, Y ↦ X ⨯ Y
forms a comonad, whose category of comonads is equivalent to the
over category of X
Show that over.forget X : over X ⥤ C
is a comonadic left adjoint and under.forget : under X ⥤ C
is a monadic right adjoint.
X ⨯ -
has a comonad structure. This is sometimes called the writer comonad.
- category_theory.prod_comonad X = {to_functor := X, ε' := {app := λ (Y : C),, naturality' := _}, δ' := {app := λ (Y : C), (𝟙 (( X).obj Y)), naturality' := _}, coassoc' := _, left_counit' := _, right_counit' := _}
The forward direction of the equivalence from coalgebras for the product comonad to the over category.
- category_theory.coalgebra_to_over X = {obj := λ (A : (category_theory.prod_comonad X).coalgebra), (A.a ≫, map := λ (A₁ A₂ : (category_theory.prod_comonad X).coalgebra) (f : A₁ ⟶ A₂), category_theory.over.hom_mk f.f _, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
The backward direction of the equivalence from coalgebras for the product comonad to the over category.
The equivalence from coalgebras for the product comonad to the over category.
- category_theory.coalgebra_equiv_over X = {functor := category_theory.coalgebra_to_over X _inst_2, inverse := category_theory.over_to_coalgebra X _inst_2, unit_iso := category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (A : (category_theory.prod_comonad X).coalgebra), category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.iso_mk (category_theory.iso.refl ((𝟭 (category_theory.prod_comonad X).coalgebra).obj A).A) _) _, counit_iso := category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (f : category_theory.over X), category_theory.over.iso_mk (category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.over_to_coalgebra X ⋙ category_theory.coalgebra_to_over X).obj f).left) _) _, functor_unit_iso_comp' := _}
X ⨿ -
has a monad structure. This is sometimes called the either monad.
- category_theory.coprod_monad X = {to_functor := category_theory.limits.coprod.functor.obj X, η' := {app := λ (Y : C), category_theory.limits.coprod.inr, naturality' := _}, μ' := {app := λ (Y : C), category_theory.limits.coprod.desc category_theory.limits.coprod.inl (𝟙 ((category_theory.limits.coprod.functor.obj X).obj Y)), naturality' := _}, assoc' := _, left_unit' := _, right_unit' := _}
The forward direction of the equivalence from algebras for the coproduct monad to the under category.
- category_theory.algebra_to_under X = {obj := λ (A : (category_theory.coprod_monad X).algebra), (category_theory.limits.coprod.inl ≫ A.a), map := λ (A₁ A₂ : (category_theory.coprod_monad X).algebra) (f : A₁ ⟶ A₂), category_theory.under.hom_mk f.f _, map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
The backward direction of the equivalence from algebras for the coproduct monad to the under category.
The equivalence from algebras for the coproduct monad to the under category.
- category_theory.algebra_equiv_under X = {functor := category_theory.algebra_to_under X _inst_2, inverse := category_theory.under_to_algebra X _inst_2, unit_iso := category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (A : (category_theory.coprod_monad X).algebra), category_theory.monad.algebra.iso_mk (category_theory.iso.refl ((𝟭 (category_theory.coprod_monad X).algebra).obj A).A) _) _, counit_iso := category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (f : category_theory.under X), category_theory.under.iso_mk (category_theory.iso.refl ((category_theory.under_to_algebra X ⋙ category_theory.algebra_to_under X).obj f).right) _) _, functor_unit_iso_comp' := _}